Family and Friends Forum

Feel. Like I'm In Limbo

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Member since
May 2021

1 post

Hi all, in a way absolutely gutted to find myself in the club but so very glad to have found you.

Had the knock early yesterday morning. 8 police, with a warrant to search our home due to someone looking at indecent images of children using my IP address.

My husband and son were at work whilst my other older children and youngest were at home. Police officers and forensic officers were here for several hours and searched and examined our mobile phones, tablets etc. Findings came up with nothing and we were told NFA.

I'm sick to the stomach and called the PC back today asking if they could give us any info about timeline of when the activity had taken place from my IP address and image/s which had been accessed, in order to try and determine the culptit. Unfortunately the PC told me that they couldn't provide this information which has puzzled me when others in similar positions have been given ie timeliness/age group/ category of images. Has anyone else experienced the same? Tia x

Meant to add that Police never came back to check my husband and son's mobiles after work.

Posted Tue May 4, 2021 1:02pm
Edited Tue May 4, 2021 1:28pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

74 posts

I think the reason they usually come very early in the morning is, that they are more likely to find people in the house with their devices. I think the intelligence of exactly what has been downloaded can only come from the device itself. I would have no idea how reliable the initial IP activity is, and what detail it covers. But it's unlikely to be attributed to a single person, some people let friends and neighbours access their IP. So can't be used to prosecute. Eight officers seems a lot, and very quick to get a NFA. It may just have been a mistake, and they realised afterwards. But I guess if someone had downloaded something illegal, the police probably assume that they would just dispose of the device after hearing about the raid.

Posted Tue May 4, 2021 2:54pmReport post

Quick exit