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Finding out where an investigation is up too

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Emmie lou

Member since
January 2021

109 posts

Posted Tue May 4, 2021 1:44pmReport post

Hi, this is the first time I have posted, though I have been reading posts and not feeling so alone, in September my partner was interviewed under caution for 20 cat c images the police also removed all the computers in the house which included a work one, my partners work are now talking about replacing work laptop with a better one and he hasn't obviously got the old one to hand in, my question is is it possible to find out where investigion is up too my partner was told 6 to 9 months but his solicitor is saying its 2 years for this area, he already is very anxious and depressed, I had to think long and hard about staying with him, he says he's told me the truth about everything from reading I think he had a porn addiction some years ago as he was watching for 6 hours a night,I luckily have my sister to talk too which helps

Sorry for the long post????


Member since
March 2021

141 posts

Posted Tue May 4, 2021 4:28pmReport post

Emmie lou

Hi unfortunately you are not alone, there are many of us here and lot more not posting it took me a year to post. My hub had 3 cat c in a deleted file it was about 8 months in total , so it was very quick compared to others.i believe there is a huge backlog in most areas, so unfortunately its going take a long time.

You must look after yourself, you are going to have alot of emotions.I live month to month I don't really know what the future holds, but I'm doing ok.Take care don't bottle anything, thankfully you have your sister and you can use the helpline or forum.


Edited Tue May 4, 2021 4:28pm

Emmie lou

Member since
January 2021

109 posts

Posted Wed May 5, 2021 12:30amReport post

Thanks for the reply Anne, its something that you never think you'd have to deal with, my partner and I don't live together, his ex is being very good about supervised visits with his son and my children are grown up, my sister is fantastic and his dad knows and is supportive,he knows he's done wrong, I just wish we knew what we where dealing with, I need to know he hasn't lied to me 2 years seems so long, sometimes I go along like it hasn't happened then it hits me, thanks again for your reply I feel better for just posting ????


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Wed May 5, 2021 8:37amReport post

My partner had a work laptop removed and the police informed his work, which was awkward. Maybe not all police forces do that but it meant that I believe they prioritized that laptop first.

We never found out what happened to that laptop or when it was returned to the work place. It didn't have iiocs.

Took about two years from the knock to sentencing , this was before covid. We found asking for updates was hard to get and mostly vague. I guess it also depends on how many devices checked and the evidence found.

I would say it is ok to ask for updates every other month, but again they might be vague.

It was out of the blue when my partner was told he could pick up the devices that were clean. That took about a year to get back.


Member since
July 2019

74 posts

Posted Wed May 5, 2021 9:03amReport post

I would just mention. My partner's work laptop was taken too. They did not inform his work place. Indeed, they nicely said they would make a note, and get that one processed first. Sadly they didn't do this. Indeed they didn't let him know they had processed it and everything else many months after they had. And they didn't release the work laptop until after his sentence. It had to be requested, and they said they lost it, and then they somehow found it a year or so later. But they released it to him, rather than to his workplace. It does make you wonder how careful they are with potential evidence, and the implications of that.

Emmie lou

Member since
January 2021

109 posts

Posted Wed May 5, 2021 11:23amReport post

Thanks for your replies, the police haven't told my employers about the laptop, it has no images on it so hopefully it will come back at some point, its just waiting is so hard, we haven't enquired at all yet so think we will, but if its taking 2 years for them to be checked there probably won't be any progress,I feel better for posting better than it all going round in my head