Family and Friends Forum

Dark humour- how should I address it

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Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Thu May 6, 2021 11:17amReport post

My partner has quite dark humour. He won't express it himself but watches TV shows that I find problematic like family guy and there is a new show in netflix called 'paradise' something.

I don't watch these but what I over hear I'm shocked and don't see what is so funny. They skirt around homophobia, transphobia, and child exploitation at times.

My partner will share or shows posts made online which are dark too. His friends, who are aware of his offending, make jokes that make me cringe. I remember one of them made a joke on child sexual abuse and at the time I wanted to slap him but I kept quiet....

So my question to those here is to see if others can relate, have the same concerns and whether I should bring this up with my partner's probation team? From what I can tell my partner's humour and what he watches on TV isn't considered in his assessments.


Member since
March 2021

141 posts

Posted Thu May 6, 2021 9:38pmReport post


My hub watches alot TV shows on Netflix which I would never watch and like you say over hear some stuff and don't find it funny.
I sometimes wonder if I have become more paranoid on what he watches, would I have taken any notice before,maybe not.
My hub friends, are also aware of his offending, so far we not all been together yet. I think I am more aware of our new normal and don't want any problems, so I have sort of become alot more aware of who he speaks to and what he watches. Which to be honest annoys me some times as I feel a bit like his keeper.

My hub PSR had everything he watched, read listen too it took about 6 hours to fill in over 2 days. I think his PO has only ask what he has watch recently.I hope it helps to know that your not alone in this.Anne

Edited Thu May 6, 2021 9:38pm


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Thu May 6, 2021 10:39pmReport post

Thanks Anne. I do think I'm more sensitive and heightened to anything related to child sex offences and adds to paranoia. I might just share my concerns with my partner and maybe see if the helpline can give some insight.

It isn't like he goes looking for specific jokes and he ofc can't tell what all the jokes will be on the TV show so I guess I'm over thinking it.

The probation officer just asks generic questions on how my partner's week has been. I can't remember if my partner has disclosed he has a dark humour. And if his friends make jokes again I will need to tell them to stop it since it makes me so Uncomfortable.