Family and Friends Forum

Plea hearing

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Member since
December 2019

89 posts

Posted Fri May 7, 2021 7:52pmReport post

So we got our date for court.

Turns out the officer sent the summons to our old address even though the officer called my husband to confirm the correct address!!

18th May for plea solicitor is advising to enter no plea and then it will be sent to Crown.

Our solicitor has offered us the options of a barrister or a QC (senior barrister). Money isn't a problem but I just wondered if anyone had used a QC in court and their outcomes.

Husband has been charged with communicating with a minor (police decoy) and inciting to engage in sexual activity.

No images no arranges to meet.



Member since
November 2020

428 posts

Posted Fri May 7, 2021 9:52pmReport post

Hi hun sorry u have had to come here it's not a group anyone want to join,,

My partner did the same and he got a custodial sentence of 15 months,, I don't want to scarey I was always told to think of the worse and if it don't happen then it a bonus.

Just try ur best to look after urself

Try ringing the helpline,, don't put the phone down just hold on it will be answered.

Its not ur fault in any way shape or form

Try to eat something small and to sleep

Take it hour by hour


keep coming here to rant or get advice don't keep it to urself.

We are here to help and support u xxx