Family and Friends Forum

Sentencing thursday terrified

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Member since
March 2021

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Posted Tue May 11, 2021 11:56amReport post

Well it will be 2 years 3 months and 1 day since the dreaded knock I have seen my strong beautiful family fall apart at the seams my son has pleaded guilty and his mental health has spiralled he has finally reached out to our gp after getting to the point he no longer wants to live. Support wise some family have been amazing but others just ask how we are n quickly change the subject a journey like this certainly reveals peoples true colours. We are dreading Thursdays outcome and I have come to the point of what will be will be but I as a mother have promised to support him to the end he is my son who has made the one and only mistake of his life just hope we get a good result but are prepared for the worst how do people move on.

Love and hugs to all xxx


Member since
March 2021

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Posted Tue May 11, 2021 1:47pmReport post


I really feel for you :( I am also here because of my son. What an awful place to be my son was arrested in Dec 2019, magistrates in July 2021.It has taken forever and far from over.

Mental health plays such a large part :( these poor young men, I sometimes wonder if they knew the consequences would they do it? I don't believe they truly know the consequences of it.

Thinking of you x


Member since
November 2020

428 posts

Posted Tue May 11, 2021 5:19pmReport post

Hi ladies

I just wanted to reach out to u both I am a partner of offerened and there are so many many lays to this and how the individual gets here,,

I have got thro the court case by the following,,

Breathing,, dealing with the facts and facts only,,

I don't condone the behaviour but I know my partner is not a monster,,

Talking honestly and openly,, even writing it down

Looking after yourself u crumble everything crumbles,,

Be kind to yourself,, remember breath and stop,, sleep and eat.

My partner went to prison for 7 months

We talked on the phone everyday to being with then I cut it down not because I wanted but towards the end of his sentencing and when hes out u don't talk everyday all the time he knows he can ring me and I will answer,,

We write to each other and send picture to him of me and my dog lol

But if I am honest hun take it hour by hour their is no right or wrong way of doing this and the people u think will stay will leave and the people u think will leave will stay,, remember STOP BREATH,, keep coming here venting or looking for help go stop it now websit,, use the helpline,, u can do the inform course which I would do again hope this helps in some way you can also ring the family rights groups they can help u legal to with advice xx


Member since
March 2021

9 posts

Posted Wed May 12, 2021 11:38amReport post

Becky1234 and Vickie thank you so much for your reply all I want to do is hold my son close and keep him safe what were the charges Vickie and did u move or stay we feel as a family we are wading through a very dark place and cant see any positivity my son is charged with downloading and distributing across all three categories he has finally sought some help with his mental health just in an absolute mess with it all taking one day at a time.

Hugs to both x


Member since
March 2021

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Posted Wed May 12, 2021 11:51amReport post

Sending you lots of support for you, your son and the family for tomorrow. I will be thinking of you all. Stay strong.


Member since
March 2021

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Posted Wed May 12, 2021 12:23pmReport post

Thank you Alison x


Member since
November 2020

428 posts

Posted Wed May 12, 2021 12:32pmReport post

My partner was charged with publishing obsense article for he got 15 month prison sentence,, 156 pound fine,, 12 month probation,, 6 month licence,,

I am currently still living where he was arrested but I am looking to move but that's cause the house is to small for me and my kids.

Never went into the paper,, which was a good send but I have lost friends and family members cause they didn't believe what I was saying so they went for Sarahs law whilst my partner was being investigated and they disowned me cause they heard things that where not the whole true.

My partner will be released in June he will not be released to the family home because he still has a lot of work to do on himself first which I have told him I will support and help him all the way. I never through I would get here in the first days after the knock I cried non stop,, couldn't eat or sleep,, then I daughter one gave a cuddle and said mommy please stop answering your phone cause all it does is make u cry,, I don't want you to cry anymore none will every hurt you again. I member then thinking she is 4 and she should never be thinking like this and I was like I know I am the mommy and I need to stand up and I raised again stronger and started taking back control. I have just finished the inform course which was amazing gave so much more of a understand,, never give up on hope,, believe just because they have done something bad does not mean they are a bad person I have a thread on here can ss tell you something that not true ons here under the family bit I was give so much support and help xx sending u big hugs hun xx


Member since
March 2021

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Posted Wed May 12, 2021 1:23pmReport post

Vickie thank u for sharing that with me u are a true inspiration and I just hope I can come through this my son isnt a bad person n I just want to keep him and his mental health safe.

Big hugs x


Member since
November 2020

428 posts

Posted Wed May 12, 2021 3:49pmReport post

Your welcome hun anytime and u will keep coming here talk and use the helpline,,

If u need help legal the also ring the family right group,,


Member since
May 2021

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Posted Wed May 12, 2021 4:28pmReport post

Hi. I have been getting some support reading posts for a fair few months now but not posting. Something about your post made me make the effort. I really relate when you talk about your 'strong beautiful family' falling apart. I just wanted to send support your way for tomorrow. I admire you sticking by your son and supporting him in this really difficult time. You attitude of what will be will be is perhaps the most you can hope for at the minute and perhaps after Thurs, with a clear outcome, things will seem more straightforward. I am a partner and have all this yet to come but I am very much just trying to cultivate a it is what it is mentality and deal with things as they come. Its devastating. Luckily I have some good family and friend support, which is everything. Sending love and solidarity too.


Member since
March 2021

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Posted Wed May 12, 2021 5:59pmReport post


I will be thinking of you tomorrow.. I know what you mean by wanting to protect, sometimes I wish he would run but then I loose him anyway :( .

My son has all catagories of iio aswell ????.

When you say your family is shattered it's the same here ???? ohhh I want to scream.

I had a stroke on Friday only a small one and I'm 40 :( the stress has got to me, I think it also doesn't help that I literally do everything aswell.

Sending love your way, you have got this ???? x


Member since
December 2020

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Posted Thu May 13, 2021 5:28amReport post

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Edited Tue August 17, 2021 1:48am


Member since
March 2021

208 posts

Posted Thu May 13, 2021 5:00pmReport post


Thank you I am recovering well although still unable to stand up straight as I have virtigo as well so looks like I'm drunk haha wish I was. I have obviously had to take a step back :) but really need to get on I'm not used to so much rubbish tv .



Member since
April 2021

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Posted Thu May 13, 2021 7:51pmReport post

Hope today wasn't too traumatic for you all Woody. Thinking of you