Family and Friends Forum

Why are my posts still taking 24 hours+ before they appear

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Member since
March 2021

389 posts

Dear Lucy

Please could you tell me why my posts still take over 24 hours before they appear even though I have posted quite a few times now. A post I made yesterday evening is still waiting for verification. I look forward to your reply.

Posted Tue May 11, 2021 6:50pmReport post

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

532 posts

Hi Alison20,

Thank you for posting on the forum. When people are new to the forum it can take some time before their first few posts appear. This is because we moderate new users' posts in advance, if that makes sense. This is to ensure that new users are complying with the Forum rules and meet the eligibility criteria i.e. the forum is for family and friends of those who have sexually offended on the internet, typically by viewing indecent images of children. Please rest assured that once it is clear that a new user meets these criteria, their subsequent posts will appear straight-away.I hope the above makes sense and that you continue to find our forum a helpful space to seek support.

Kind regards


Posted Wed May 12, 2021 9:31pm
Edited Wed May 12, 2021 9:31pmReport post


Member since
February 2021

42 posts

Hi how do you know it your post was successful and if anyone as committed on then I have wrote on a few times over the months but don't know if they posted

Posted Fri May 21, 2021 8:27pmReport post

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