Family and Friends Forum

When to Talk to the Press

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Member since
May 2021

6 posts

Posted Thu May 13, 2021 1:01amReport post

So, I posted in the general category a few days back. But another few issues have come up since.

My husband was arrested for possession of many severe images and videos a week ago. He is a fairly well-known individual in the UK entertainment industry. Not a celebrity, but well known. A few top industry publications already covered anonymous and vague allegations about him creating a difficult work environment a couple years back. If they were interested in that, I can't imagine how they'll be about these charges.

I don't know when the media will find out. But I imagine it will be much sooner than the trial. His company is closing, will be issuing a statement, and a government investigation will begin because they received national funding.

I'm wondering what the options are for trying to make this a less horrendous experience. I'm quite friendly with most of the leading journalists in our industry, so I could reach out to them on the condition they keep me anonymous? Has anyone on here tried to sort of stop invasive media coverage by getting ahead of it? Are there other strategies?

I'm wondering if one article done by someone who can be sympathetic to the situation could be less harmful in the long run then a bunch of journalists running separate investigations, showing up at my house, etc, for weeks and months to come?

Any thoughts are welcome. Sending love to everyone struggling. X

Edited by moderator Thu May 13, 2021 5:52pm


Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Posted Thu May 13, 2021 7:27pmReport post

Hi Max

Urgh sorry you are on here in this club nobody wants to be in????

I can totally understand your fears about the media, this absolutely terrifies me! I don't really have any solid advice to give you, but would be very interested to know the answers to your questions as well!
I think a lot depends on the individual journalists, but they won't find anything out whilst he is under investigation so maybe just don't say anything at the moment until you know more.

My partner was released under investigation after being arrested almost 3 years now, with not a word from the police as yet????

Keep coming back on this forum, there is always someone to give support and it has made me feel less alone in this nightmare!

wishing you all the best

Mabel xx

I wish you all the best.


Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Posted Fri May 14, 2021 10:06amReport post


Just to say there must have been a glitch..I didn't put those question marks in... it was supposed to be one exclamation mark????


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Fri May 14, 2021 11:43amReport post

I would ring the helpline because I worry that without sound advice you could be at risk of it backfiring? I assume that if you request your identity to not be disclosed but what if it let slip?

It is a daunting situation and it would be amazing if we had better control on the media but I'm not sure what rights we have. I think some people have managed to have a court order to say names of partners are not disclosed. But I haven't come across others trying to reach out to the media.

Maybe a solicitor would also help.


Member since
January 2021

66 posts

Posted Mon May 17, 2021 2:16pmReport post

I don't think you should mess around trying to notify the press first!

My brothers court hearing was held in private for various reasons, even if it wasn't it would have been a 50/50 chance on the day if a journalist decided to print.

If you start thinking it is best to speak to the media first this could really backfire as you just have no control of what they print!


Member since
May 2021

154 posts

Posted Tue May 18, 2021 8:42pmReport post

I'd really advise waiting a while before making any big decisions. I'm only basing that on how different I feel now compared to when it first happened in January. So many posts on here imply this process will take a year or 2 or more to go through and although there is the urge to try and 'fix' or sort things out, time has been important already in lowering anxiety about things like the press.

I have reasons to believe they might be interested in my husband's case because of his job, but I wouldn't risk pre empting anything personally. It's a worry but I'm trying to put worrysome things I can't control aside and focus on things I can do something about.

If you have connections could you hope that someone would reach out to you if word was going to get out?

Hope you're doing okay x


Member since
May 2021

154 posts

Posted Tue May 18, 2021 8:45pmReport post

Mabel - 3 years with no word! That is so tough I really feel for you x


Member since
March 2020

26 posts

Posted Tue May 25, 2021 5:51amReport post

I agree that speaking to the press at this stage would be counter productive. If you want to do something to try to limit damage, look into changing his name asap. Fully, on driver's license etc. Then get solicitor to notify the officer in charge of the investigation to ensure that he is charged in the new name . Get them to be clear that this is a proper name change and not an alias. With any luck, the old name won't be read out in court. It may, but it's worth a try.

This worked for my ex, it made front page with a photo unfortunately (unusually), but the name printed was the new name .
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