Family and Friends Forum

Sleep disorder

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Member since
May 2021

1 post

Posted Fri May 14, 2021 5:23amReport post

I think might be some sort of disorder of spleeping that you can't sleep at proper time


Member since
March 2021

141 posts

Posted Fri May 14, 2021 10:12pmReport post

I have not slept properly since the knock, my hub has been sentence and we now live the new normal.

Sleep when you can, it doesn't matter if you sleep in the day you will need it. My sleep is not perfect, it's the constant worrying of everything, I sleep when I can if that means a afternoon nap I take it.

I find having a warm bath, putting the phone away, reading a book helps.

I hope you do manage to get some sleep

Take care of you



Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Posted Sat May 15, 2021 12:23amReport post


im sorry you've had to come to the forum for support. None of us would choose to have to come here but it's a life saver to those of us that need it.

what your going through is normal. My son is the offender (communication). I never slept at all in the first week and then started sleeping a couple of hours a night. Fast forward eight months when he was sentenced to prison and I stopped sleeping for a week again. It's been over two years and I can honestly say I don't sleep more than five hours a night or less except occasionally when I sleep for around sixteen hours solid. I hate the effect thus has had on my sleep as I already had sleep issues before all this happened due to my mother passing away.

some ladies have managed to get their sleep pattern better but some have not and say they now feel such little sleep is their new normal. I fit into the latter. My advice would be the same as the previous post. Sleep when you can and just take one day at a time. Things in general do improve with time and hopefully as things improve you will be able to sleep a little better x


Member since
April 2020

97 posts

Posted Sat May 15, 2021 11:49amReport post

Hi My husband has been sentenced and I sleep better now but I sleep when I am tired. There are some good apps and you tube I found helpful. I found reading a book not my phone helped. Hope you get some sleep sweetie xx