Family and Friends Forum

Having them home

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Member since
April 2021

15 posts

Posted Sun May 16, 2021 10:58amReport post


Our knock was 5 weeks ago now . It was a live stream by vigilantes and a huge outcry on the local FB pages

My husband is currently the other side of the country as RUI. He has managed to get work as he was suspended without pay but concerned about coming home

I know a number of people have had the vigilantes knock but have you been able to bring your husband home ?

thank you

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

445 posts

Posted Thu May 27, 2021 3:14pmReport post

Hello Bless,

Thank you for reaching out to the Family and Friends Forum for some support and advice. We have noticed that this post has not yet received a response from other forum users. I recognise that it can be difficult to reach out for support on this forum for the first time. Having a family member live streamed by a vigilante group can be a very traumatic experience and a big shock for your family, therefore, I would encourage you to reach out to us on our Stop It Now! helpline (0808 1000 900) for further support and guidance during this difficult time.I also hope that you receive a reply from other forum users on this post soon.

Take care,


Edited Thu May 27, 2021 3:15pm


Member since
November 2020

44 posts

Posted Mon May 31, 2021 10:08pmReport post

Evening bless,

I had the vigilantes knock nearly 7 months ago or rather they staked my house for 4 hours I knew they were there but not who they were and I get checking up finally hubby went out to check out my concerns and they nabbed him I was lucky his video was not live streamed but I did have a laa as the group of them on my doorstep after the arrest I felt extremely intimidated and they also upset my special needs kids and you gets child! Husband is still not at home only us contact with children on sundays and no overnighters and his contact is supervised! What can I say I wish I could truly answer you me question with a resounding reassuring yes but I cannot as I am unsure myself! Just know you are not alone and I am really glad you reached out x