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One step conquered now on to the next

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Member since
March 2021

52 posts

Posted Sun May 16, 2021 8:17pmReport post

Well Friday was the day we got told ss will close our case. I am waiting for the report but when I spoke to her she says there were still some concerns but she was happy with me safeguarding our two children. The relief is huge. Now I feel like I am just waiting for the next big 'thing'. Like many of you I have good days and try to be 'normal' but other days it suddenly hits me and I look at him with complete contempt and think to myself why am I still here?! Who knows what the future will bring but I am truly dreading it....


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Sun May 16, 2021 8:49pmReport post

Hi sid

That's great news hunny... One thing less to worry about. So is he still able to live at home with the kids? Are you awaiting sentencing? There's no other kind of emotional rollletcaster than this. I read up on parallel emotions... Feeling conflicting emotions at once.. It makes sense.

Take care hunny and well done on your victory with social care xxx


Member since
March 2021

52 posts

Posted Sun May 16, 2021 9:02pmReport post

Thanks rainbowgirl80. You are very right it is a roller coaster. Yes he is still at home with us and has been since this all started. It will be 11 weeks Tuesday that we had the knock for iioc and he is now released under investigation after being bailed. We are just waiting to see what happens next.....

Edited Sun May 16, 2021 9:03pm


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Sun May 16, 2021 9:57pmReport post

Wow that's amazing love. How old are your kids? I would love my hubby home now... Its been almost a year for us. You've done so well to get your case closer this quick.

I hope things go as smoothly as possible for you.

Are you both getting support / therapy? 'xx


Member since
March 2021

52 posts

Posted Sun May 16, 2021 10:18pmReport post

A year?! Is he not allowed to be home with you? What has done and do you have children?
As much as my hubby drives me insane I can't imagine him not being here with me and the kids.
I know we are lucky with ss but to be honest our sw was amazing but I was very honest with her as was he. Our children are 8 and 12. I am very worried about what is coming up, what he will be charged with and the sentencing.


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Sun May 16, 2021 10:45pmReport post

Hi sid

My husband is being charged for images accross all categories... He was interviewed after over 11 months... A couple of weeks ago... Awaiting charges.

Tbh I didn't want him here at first anyway. Ss closed the case after 2 months and supervised contact and no overnight stays and we haven't had dealings with them since. He spends much time with us but has his own place. I do want him home but probably after sentencing now we will either be re referred or will re refer ourselves.. Just dread the involvement tbh but no choice if we want to reunite x