Family and Friends Forum

What could we be facing here?

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Member since
May 2021

203 posts

Like most of you, I've just had the day where my whole world has come crashing down.

my husband was arrested today on suspicion of talking sexually online to underage girls. There are 2 girls in question. Both times he has sent nudes and tried to video call but had no responses back. (This is by his story). He says that although they said they were under age as he met them in an 18+ chat room he thought they were pretending to be younger.

(I also found out today that our whole 8 year relationship he has been talking to women online and stuff and had an affair last year)

I don't know what I'm going to do. But, what could we be facing in terms of sentence? The officer suggested this is unlikely to be jail time but looking online it says it could be?

im also pregnant with our first. They mentioned social services will be in touch. What does this mean for me?

Posted Tue May 18, 2021 5:21amReport post

Sarah ??

Member since
January 2021

177 posts


I can't comment on sentences as they vary depending on so many factors.

I would get him to be as proactive as possible to address his behaviour. Contact Lucy Faithful helpline, complete the online modules, attend courses and (if there are any) address any issues like addiction/mental health etc. It will all help if it goes to court and most importantly get him to understand the impact of his behaviour.

I feel for you. I'm coming up to a year anniversary of the knock next week and still feel that anxiety when the door goes.


Posted Tue May 18, 2021 4:15pmReport post

New and confused

Member since
September 2020

18 posts

Hi scared lamb,

Sounds very much like me last year. Not a position anyone should be in. I hope you have family or someone you can talk to and help you.

Sorry to say but Sentencing varies from community order to custody tbh. Seems communication tends to get suspended sentances or custodial unfornataly, depends on ages, if it was a decoy and whats been said/done that will all come up during the investigation

Social services were involved with me, did and inital assessment and then closed the case with supervised access. I'm sure they'll be back when there's a sentance to reassess. Seems to be pot luck with social services and where you are as I've seen a lot of different experiences. Mine was as good as it can be it.

Take care of yourself and your little growing baby. You're both the most important

Posted Tue May 18, 2021 5:06pmReport post

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