Family and Friends Forum


Member since
May 2021

3 posts

Posted Wed May 19, 2021 9:38amReport post

One week yesterday we got the knock at the door. 9 police officers. Husband arrested and charged. Its been hell.

My youngest, already being treated for depression and my eldest trying so hard to concentrate on her exams.

Today we have a safety check from ss and police. Not sure what to expect.

Have barely eaten can't sleep, but still have to function for my kids.

I'm hoping this get better


Member since
March 2021

208 posts

Posted Wed May 19, 2021 3:07pmReport post


I'm sorry you find yourself here,it's a place where none of us want to be.

Reach out when you need to also the helpline is good .

Sending a virtual hug to you x


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Wed May 19, 2021 6:00pmReport post

Thinking of you hunny. I will be a year for us tomorrow. Those first couple of weeks I didn't know how to get through each day but we do... A day and a step at a time. Try to slow your brain down and get all the support you can. All of those big decisions we may have to make are not for now... We have plenty of time.

Take care of yourself hunny xxxx


Member since
August 2020

37 posts

Posted Thu May 20, 2021 6:54amReport post

we are 12 months in and remember the knock like yesterday.

it's the worse thing you will go through or one of the worse.

it will get harder before it gets better.

but you have to take day by day.

this is going to take a while to get you through courts etc. The not knowing and waiting is prob the hardest.

what was your husband charged with?!

oh and expect to be lied to about charges and details I found out the real story when I read it in the paper.

it does get easier. . Eventually.


Member since
July 2019

74 posts

Posted Thu May 20, 2021 7:31amReport post

I think many people will downplay their actions, so I agree you have to expect some minimisation. But I wouldn't rely on what the papers say. I saw all the court papers and sat through the hearings, and the papers added some extra things that were completely untrue. Making it sound even worst than reality. If it wasn't for extra the publicity I would recommending suing for liable. Even the summary of the forensic evidence that the police officer wrote, and was read by the prosecution, had some rather dubious conclusions. How the word "search" was used, wasn't backed up for the forensic report at all. I'm just noting be aware that both the accused and the prosecution have their own biases, I wouldn't trust either 100%. But I came out of this process rather shocked about our criminal justice system, and how little safeguards there are.


Member since
May 2021

3 posts

Posted Thu May 20, 2021 11:49amReport post

Thank you all

No, this is not a place I thought I would ever be, my world has come crumbling down and all I can think about are my girls.

Meeting went OK yesterday, hopefully no more input from ss.

Asking 1 question at a time, so I'm not overwhelmed and can process things.

1 charge of downloading indecent images.

He's getting help with the alcohol and porn, I just don't trust him anymore, it feels like 25 years down the drain and it's all be a massive lie.

Thanks again, venting here and reading others stories is helping
