Family and Friends Forum

Had plea now to go to crown

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Member since
December 2019

89 posts

Posted Wed May 19, 2021 7:12pmReport post

So had plea hearing was only 5 mins nobody allowed in.

He now has a crown court hearing out of area.

Solicitor got evidence pack and basically they are running with just one conversation.

Turns out that they have the conversation from police decoy but don't have any evidence of the chat on his physical phone. And no other other evidence just one conversation. No arrange to meet no images no Search history.

We have instructed a QC, everyone keeps saying don't bank on it being a prison sentence but everyone on here says prepare for the worst. I am just so confused as how I am supposed to feel.


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Wed May 19, 2021 8:29pmReport post

Hi hunny

Well done on getting through today,

From what I know from others about communication offences.. no matter what you should be prepared for the worst. I know of a case where all the professionals including the prosecution said he wouldnt get a custodial and he got 3 years!! It is down to the judge on the day. You need to make sure all the mitigating factors are sent over asap. And it will depend on what he has actually been charged with.

Sending you lots of love and strength xxx