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Magistrates date

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Emmie lou

Member since
January 2021

109 posts

Posted Thu May 20, 2021 11:36pmReport post

Hi, got the date today for my partners magistrates hearing, having not heard anything and being told in our area it could take up to 2 years things are happening quickly which I think is good as we have been living in a sort of bubble trying to get on with life but just waiting for it to pop, he has been charged with 1000 images 7 a 50 b and rest c, solicitor said he would be looking at a non custodial sentence, he went on KIK, looking at teen which is bad enough but all sorts of images arrived, he has had I think some sort of addiction before we met he was viewing porn for up to 6 hours a time, it started with legal porn and just got worse, I have thought long and hard about staying with him, no one could punish him more than he is punishing himself, his son is only 12 and his ex has been really good about supervised visits, but he's terrified about it being in media and his son suffering any bullying, solicitor thinks he will loose his job as he should disclose it to his employers he works in finance, he thinks he deserves anything that happens to him as long as his son is ok, when this started he was suicidal and I feel he might be again, sorry for long message think I needed to share, I have a few questions, how long is the gap between magistrates and Crown Court, and would the magistrates be in the press, is it just luck if media are present, also what do pre sentencing reports consist off, thanks for taking the time to read i really appreciate it


Member since
January 2020

95 posts

Posted Thu May 20, 2021 11:46pmReport post

Hi there!

Your partner sounds a lot like mine, He went to magistrates then it was about 4 weeks later he went to crown court. My partner had a small amount of indecent images 7 A 7 B and 9 C and 106 prohibited (cartoon) He used KiK too. He got caught up in a spiral of addiction through bordem at work, he was very depressed. I think quite a number of offenders use that messenger. It's a terrible offence, and I'd never play it down or condone it it anyway, but these men need help.

The press weren't at the court when it went Magistrates, but got hold of the info and printed it in the local paper, which was horrible. We had no media when it went to crown court at all which was a relief.
I'm glad things moved quickly for you. Took nearly 3 years for us.
Blue x x

Edited Thu May 20, 2021 11:56pm


Member since
August 2020

37 posts

Posted Fri May 21, 2021 2:07amReport post

Hi emmie

sorry you find yourself here: it's s**t.

I don't know the usual time between magistrates and crown court. But seems to be around 4 weeks.

This was the case for my dad.
it seems that communication is more serious and can result in a custodial.

im sure your partner will get a suspended scentance. if you support him make sure you provide good character references which will help him in court.

In re to press expect the media to be present.

We convinced ourselves they wouldn't be there but there was 1 reporter in there and we had no idea and he almost wrote word to word what was said .. some details I didn't not know about until I read it. devastating!

and they automatically post it on social media and vigilante Facebook groups also saw the story and shared it.

12 months in and we are still living it.

Emmie lou

Member since
January 2021

109 posts

Posted Fri May 21, 2021 5:39amReport post

Thanks for answers i really appreciate it, it is so hard, he was investigated for 20 images which shot up to 1000, I fluctuate between wanting to stand by him and wanting to leave, he is talking to his solicitor today so will have more info later, he said what started out as watching legal porn ended with him looking at worse and worse images, the quantity upsets me, he said in the end he was flicking through them, it became something he couldn't stop, it was at a bad time in his life which is really no excuse and it was before we met, his dad knows and is standing by him, I worry about my family finding out, what will they think of him and me for standing by him, thank you again for getting back to me