Family and Friends Forum

First post just feel so helpless

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Member since
May 2021

19 posts

Posted Fri May 21, 2021 9:51pmReport post

This is my first post on here but have been reading loads on here everyday, just trying to find similar cases to mine. So here I am finally plucked up the courage to post!

Our knock came 4 months ago yesterday, police officers searched our property, took devices & arrested my son, investigating him for viewing & distributing images!! I was absolutely devastated & still am, feel like our whole lives will never be the same. My son is 26 & is very remorseful for what he's done & what he is putting his family through. He has worked the help modules & is waiting to go on a inform plus course.

I have spoken to someone today about doing the inform course for myself, as I really don't know what to do, feel like I should be doing something but don't know what, just waiting around for him to go to court, feeling in limbo! Don't know how to talk about it to my son, so am hoping the corse will help. Has anyone been on the course & does it help? Or does anyone have any other recommendations please, so desperate to be doing something to help my son & all our family, trying to stay strong but really I just want to cry all day long, feeling so sad! Have not told anyone about it & feel so lonely

Thank you for reading, would appreciate any help or advice anyone can offer please


Member since
March 2021

354 posts

Posted Mon May 24, 2021 2:13pmReport post

After reading your first post I felt the need to reply to you.

It is positive that you are hoping to do the Inform course and your son is waiting to do the Inform Plus course. The member of our family who is currently under investigation has done the Young Person Inform Course and found it very beneficial for him and the family.

If you are feeling sad or having a particular bad day please remember that you can ring the Stop it Now helpline and /or the Samaritans. You could also speak with your GP, if you haven't already done so, for support for you, your son or any other family member who my need it.

I hope you receive more responses with lots of helpful tips/advice.

Be kind to yourself if you can and thinking of you.


Member since
March 2021

208 posts

Posted Mon May 24, 2021 4:11pmReport post

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Edited Mon May 24, 2021 4:20pm


Member since
March 2021

208 posts

Posted Mon May 24, 2021 4:31pmReport post


I am here as my 21 y/o son was arrested in Dec 2019 due in court in July.

I am sorry to hear about your son,its truly a horrible place for us all. I wanted to reply to you just to let you know your not alone. Unfortunately for us this is an extremely long process. People say it gets easier I am yet to feel that. My emotions are up and down like a yoyo :( .

I carry on but sometimes wish I could runaway.. I want my old life back probably how you feel.

I hope you have people around you, I have chosen to keep quiet I have only told one person.

Please reach out when you need to, always here to chat.

Thinking of you , sending a virtual hug x


Member since
December 2020

287 posts

Posted Mon May 24, 2021 8:15pmReport post

Dear Sademma,

So sorry to hear about you son . My son was 23 , he has recently received a caution for this offence . We didn't have the knock but he self disclosed to the police. Sleepless nights, crying all the time the months leading up to his caution was terrible , the fear of court, the press, and the future was terrifying. I haven't told anyone at all, so its felt like grieving in silence which is so difficult, although we as parents could talk to each other about it.

we were relieved about the caution , but there wasn't any screams of joy! The hard work starts now, minimising risk to prevent it happening again, 2 year of restrictions, 2 years on SOR and deciding what he wants to do about a career, he had a fantastic career which is now lost. Having said all that I am glad he was honest and truthful about everything because thats the only way we can support him and move forward. Which we are doing. I am pleased you have decided to support your son, its difficult to talk about it but I am sure you will find your way . I am also hoping to do the inform course because I want to understand more about this offence.

take care or yourself and I wish you and your son all the very best .

Edited Mon May 24, 2021 10:11pm


Member since
June 2022

337 posts

Posted Tue June 21, 2022 8:03pmReport post

Hi Maij, I'm a bit late messaging but can I ask what it was your son did? just wondering as it was a caution. We are hoping for a caution although it probably won't be xx