Family and Friends Forum

6 years in silence

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Member since
May 2021

4 posts

Posted Mon May 24, 2021 8:36pmReport post

I initially wrote an essay but them the bloody computer decided to reset the page and now im too exhausted to go again.

6 years ago i found one image of an underage child on my husband's USB stick. He denied it wa shis, he didnt download it etc. Given it was a single image and I found nothing else on his laptop, I believed him. My son was a few months old at the time and I would have given anything not to breka up our little family.

We carried on as normal. He did become quite emotionally abusive and controlling, without me realising it at the time. I became pregnant with my daughter.

4 years ago I found a search my husband did for young teens in bikinis, multiple images, technically not illegal, but enough to be concerned especially when searching for anal sex in the same time frame! My husband is smart enough to search for things he knows wont get him into trouble.

I've held onto this infromation for so long. It has destroyed me. I have never been so isolated and broken. He continued to control me and he would lie and hide things form me. Recently he increased his security on his phone and it was at that point I'd had enough. I called the Stop It Now and then I called the police.

I knew this would also bring about questions from social services about how


Member since
December 2020

287 posts

Posted Sat May 29, 2021 1:51amReport post

Dear Inapickle88

so sad to hear you are going through this terrible ordeal. I would like to say that you have been extremely brave, it has taken alot of courage to inform the police about your partners behaviour, but you have done the right thing for all concerned in this web of destruction. Although there will be tough times ahead and yes if you have young children , SS will be involved , things will get better as time goes by

It was my son of 23 who has offended.

You will be experiencing all sorts of emotions and I am pleased to see you have called the stop it now helpline, I am sure The LFF will be able to help you x but please keep coming back I am sure there are other ladies on here who have gone through similar experiences and can also help you work through this process .

I wish you and your family well

Edited Sat May 29, 2021 1:58am