Family and Friends Forum

6 years in silence

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Member since
May 2021

4 posts

Posted Mon May 24, 2021 8:36pmReport post

I initially wrote an essay but them the bloody computer decided to reset the page and now im too exhausted to go again.

6 years ago i found one image of an underage child on my husband's USB stick. He denied it wa shis, he didnt download it etc. Given it was a single image and I found nothing else on his laptop, I believed him. My son was a few months old at the time and I would have given anything not to breka up our little family.

We carried on as normal. He did become quite emotionally abusive and controlling, without me realising it at the time. I became pregnant with my daughter.

4 years ago I found a search my husband did for young teens in bikinis, multiple images, technically not illegal, but enough to be concerned especially when searching for anal sex in the same time frame! My husband is smart enough to search for things he knows wont get him into trouble.

I've held onto this infromation for so long. It has destroyed me. I have never been so isolated and broken. He continued to control me and he would lie and hide things form me. Recently he increased his security on his phone and it was at that point I'd had enough. I called the Stop It Now and then I called the police.

I knew this would also bring about questions from social services about how I handled the situation in terms of protecting the children. I accept this, I just needed to do the right thing.

They arrested him last week and he made bail with the conditions he cannot come to our home or see the children without supervision. I'm pleased I was taken seriously. His devices he had suspiciously taken from the home when I left with the children. The police managed to sieze all his devices. Now I just wait.

How long do these things take?

Is there anyone out there been in a similar situation? Its awful thinking I'm the only one who reacted this way.

Thank you for reading. I hope you are all staying strong.

Edited Mon May 24, 2021 8:41pm

Sarah ??

Member since
January 2021

177 posts

Posted Wed May 26, 2021 9:12amReport post


My ex was arrested a year ago (today actually). Still awaiting an outcome. They said I'd have devices back in 12 weeks from initial arrest and that they'd have everything concluded by then. That deadline passed 9 months ago

Hope you are holding up ok xx