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Any positive thoughts

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Member since
December 2018

383 posts

Posted Thu February 7, 2019 7:19pmReport post

So things for me have been up and down. I am trying to keep myself occupied and I have been doing practical things before I go back to work rather than sleep, which is what I actually want to do, and some days I do really do nothing but lie in bed. Just wondering if there are inspirational thoughts to come from the knock.

maybe those who have stood by their partner have noticed big changes after they hit rock bottom.

or people have learned to love themselves and find their true identity,

I dont know but but I am sure they has to be something to come out of this.

my life and security has been shaken up! It’s changed my world in less than two months. Any hope we can give each other would be great.

one small think is at least I know I am open minded and less judgmental from the knock. I would never have thought that this could have happened to me, and previously I may have been dismissive of people supporting sex offenders but now I can see that people are not all good or bad.


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

Posted Thu February 7, 2019 7:51pmReport post

Weirdly there a quite a few positive things to come out of this awful situation. My partner and i have always been close but from this we have a new level of understanding of eachother. We both appreciate the simple things in life more and appreciate how great out life has been as well as realising our lives were not going in the direction we wanted. He has a new job and mine has changed slighty which has been positive. Ive learnt so much including managing stress and started new hobbies. We have bounced out of what maybe was a bit of a rut and re-evuated our lives. It not over my any means and theres a long way to go. Im terrified but im hopeful as well. We have realised just how amazing our friends are and most of our families too. My partner is more open and honest, the burden of porn addiction lifted and hes commited to change and therapy. Its been hell but if we manage to get through the last few hurdles (i hope we can!!), then i think we will come out of this better people.


Member since
December 2018

383 posts

Posted Thu February 7, 2019 8:29pmReport post


this is such a nice read. Thanks for sharing. Yes I guess it’s about re evaluating your life and values.

Its such a tense time but I certainly can see it getting easier. I may look into changing my job too. I have really appreciated having time with my daughter. I have a stressful job and actually I don’t think l want the stress. So yes it’s time to revaluate.

For me it’s important to know that partners can make it through this shattering situation. I know that be and my husband may not be together in the formal way a relationship is. But we will always have my daughter together and I just hope he uses this opportunity to change rather than be a victim.

Sending lots of love and encouragement to others. Everyone’s stories and situations are different but it’s good we can be strong and vulnerable together.


Member since
December 2018

383 posts

Posted Thu February 7, 2019 9:21pmReport post

I love the arrow analogy. I think in the last few weeks I am going to be okay on my own. I have only had a few counselling sessions but looking forward to getting to know and love me again.

its been brave of you to re locate. Actually although I have only told two friends both asked me if I was going to move to start again. And who knows. I am very driven to decorate and clear my house so maybe in the future I will look at selling up.

Its strange when your whole world gets shaken up. Your right rock bottom is a solid foundation. I just need to find my place.

You and Maria have both been able to find a piece of happiness in this. Whether it’s starting again or communicating more openly with a partner. I know what everyone chooses is right for them. I hope people reading this know there is no judgement for any decisions we make.

I get that you wouldn’t wish the knock on anyone it’s certainly like a bereavement of the life that once was and for certain we can’t change the clocks back.

Somedays I am sad about this and wish I was ignorant again but then days like today I am full of hope. I don’t quite know how I am going to manage but knowing that the only direction is going forward is going to help me move from the past.

I also had a bit of a cry earlier so know I am beginning to let it out. I can only explain the first few weeks as completely surreal.

Enjoy the glass of wine.


Member since
November 2018

41 posts

Posted Thu February 7, 2019 10:40pmReport post

Maria I draw so much hope from your response. I'm so glad you can report such positive things having come out of an undoubtedly horrendous situation, particularly as you have chosen to support your partner. Can I ask, are you at the end of the legal process yet? It's so hard to think and plan properly until that has all finished, but I dare to hope that what you say about the new focus and depth to your relationship will ring true for me too. It's certainly a learning curve. I wish you well, and thank-you for being an inspiration.


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

Posted Thu February 7, 2019 11:35pmReport post

Sadly we are just at the start of the legal process. But even that has brought a positive(if you can call it that as any charge is awful), the charge is not as bad as expected, my partner apears to have been honest. I still have my wobbles, how could you not with all this going on. The end is in sight, im terrified but will keep focusing on the positives and hope for the best.