Family and Friends Forum


Member since
January 2021

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Posted Thu May 27, 2021 5:41pmReport post

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Edited Thu December 23, 2021 10:05pm


Member since
March 2021

208 posts

Posted Fri May 28, 2021 9:32amReport post

Sad mum

I wanted to reply as I am a mum to a 21 y/o son. Unfortunately I don't have awnsers for you, solicitor or helpline may have some advice. I have heard sentencing is down to judge on day so please try not to listen,I know expect the worst but hope it is better .

I would think it's your sons choice of what happens when he comes out, I don't believe they would put him in a hostel they have a duty to protect and if it hits papers then people would know.

I havnt been much help but hoping you find awnsers soon. Sending a virtual hug


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Posted Fri May 28, 2021 10:22amReport post

Hi Sadmum

i can answer some of your questions as my son is currently in prison and we have just been through the whole where will he live scenario. I can't offer advice on a shoo though because luckily he never got one.

If he goes to prison, an address has to be approved by the social worker before he moves in. if he has no address to go to I think in England they go to a bail hostel or normal hostel until the find him a temp place and then a forever place. Here in Scotland sex offenders don't get put to hostels, they get put to temp flats until something permanent is services have control over where they live until the are off licence. They are only on licence until the end of their full sentence . They are on licence while they serve some of their sentence on the outside. Once their licence is finished social services have no input unless there's a child involved. They can have a say at that point because of the child.
If He is sentenced to under four years he will automatically get released after serving half his sentence but if it's over four years he only gets the last six months off his sentence off his time. He can apply for parole half way through if it's over four years but there are no guarantees he would be granted it.

My son will ge on the register it he's not signed it yet because oddly he was never told to sign it in the time between conviction and waiting for reports for sentence. I think things work slightly different here in Scotland to England.I'm told by other mums on mumsnet and wassap that the register is the easy part because it entails updating your detailed etc every year and having the police protection officers visit you at regular intervals. I'm told a shoo is more restrictive because they can put conditions on there that they can't put on you while on the register. The conditions are based on the individual person rather in the crime from what I understand. I'm told they do some sort of risk assessment any any conditions of the shop are based upon that outcome but don't take that as gospel because as I've said, my son never got one.

how do you know your son will definitely get a prison service? I've seen some on here being told priso and getting suspended but I've also seen some being told suspended and getting prison so it's honestly a bit of a lottery and down to the judge on the day x


Member since
January 2021

106 posts

Posted Wed June 2, 2021 2:13pmReport post

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Edited Thu December 23, 2021 10:05pm