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I feel my children’s school has branded me a bad mum and look down their nose at me.

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Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Thu May 27, 2021 7:32pmReport post


maybe I'm being paranoid, I hope I'm being paranoid but I'm pulled up about every little injury on my children, every little mark on their uniform or shoes unpolished. I feel that because schools involved because of our case over us they are looking for anything they can find wrong with us. It's as if they blame me and have labelled me a unfit mother. My youngest had a meltdown today a temper tantrum over something simple and I could have cried with him. I was going to ring the school and ask what is ur problem? Do u have a problem with me? But I didn't and wondered if I should bring it up with my social worker.
thanks for reading x


Member since
March 2021

208 posts

Posted Fri May 28, 2021 9:25amReport post


You poor thing, firstly the school should not be doing this. I would absolutely be writing a email of concern to the head/ someone of authority. Your life is hard enough without being judged by anyone, god forbid they are ever in our shoes and we know it can happen to anyone. The reason why I say email is for a paper trail, know one should feel uncomfortable taking there kids to school. Hold your head up high and please remember none of this is your fault x


Member since
October 2019

150 posts

Posted Wed June 2, 2021 11:39pmReport post

Oh Rusty! This is so upsetting. You have so much going on already then to need to worry about how shinny your kids shoes are or if they've spilt breakfast on the shirt is just ridiculous and cruel. I would also suggest emailing them for the paper trail and so you can get your point across they say you want to. Tell them you're emailing them because you'd like to work with them to support your children though this traumatic time. Ask them what support they are offering your children and if they have any support they can offer you. Say that at the moment you feel unable to approach the school for support and that what could be seen as very small concerns i.e marks on uniform are taking over and casting a shadow on the real situation especially considering the magnitude of the current situation.

This btw isn't me saying AT ALL that you need their help more playing them at their own game and putting it to them to tell you what their issue is and how they plan to do their job and help you!

xxxx hugs xxx