Family and Friends Forum


Member since
April 2021

2 posts

Posted Thu June 3, 2021 2:37pmReport post

My husband was arrested 6 weeks ago for sexual conversation with a child. He was on an 18 plus chat room when he spoke to a 15 year old. He says the girl sent pictures without him asking for them but then the stupid idiot sent some back.( this is what he told me so I hope it's not more). My family think I should leave him and move on but I really don't know if I can/ want to or if we can work through this. I'm so confused.
At present he's not allowed to live at home as my daughter and grandchild live with us. The police had no issues with him coming home but social services got involved and said he couldn't and at the time my daughter and I said we didn't want him home. She still doesn't want him here and I feel I am being pulled in so many different directions and no idea who to talk to about it all. I don't know what to do.

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

445 posts

Posted Fri June 18, 2021 5:26pmReport post

Hello Fiona,

Thank you for reaching out for some support and guidance, it is clear that this is a very difficult time for you and I am sorry to hear what has happened. We have noticed that you have not yet received a response and wanted to offer you some support and guidance in the meantime.

I would really encourage you to call our anonymous and confidential helpline on 0808 1000 900 to access some tailored on-going support and advice during this time. Finding out that a loved one has been engaging in these behaviours can be a huge shock. People in this situation can feel a whole host of emotions. They can also feel confused, because they may feel angry and betrayed, yet love this person. Some people find it can be helpful to talk to someone outside of the situation regarding this.

I am sorry that you feel like you are being pulled in different directions, and do not know what to do. This can be a very difficult time, and I want to encourage you to recognise that there is no rush to decide what you want to do. I encourage you to take one day at a time and avoid making any big decisions at the moment.

I also encourage you to talk to a trusted friend or family member about what has happened. The most important thing at the moment is your well-being and that you have access to support.In addition,you might also find it beneficial to seek support from your GP, especially if you are having trouble with eating or sleeping etc.

I hope that you receive additional support from other forum users shortly, and please do call our helpline for on-going support and advice.

Take care,


Edited Mon June 21, 2021 2:43pm