Family and Friends Forum

Magistrates Court

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Emmie lou

Member since
January 2021

109 posts

Posted Sun June 6, 2021 5:26amReport post

Hi, we have magistrates court week after next and I cant sleep, are magistrates courts ever in media, I know his crown court is likely to be, I live in a different town to my partner but my elderly parents are from there and read the local news on line I don't know whether to warn them or just hope they don't see it, my partner will also loose his job as he works in finance and will have to disclose it, should he resign first what are the chances of re-employment, he has done wrong but what are the chances of rehabilitation and life after this

Thank you for reading


Member since
March 2021

141 posts

Posted Sun June 6, 2021 7:38amReport post

Hi Emmie lou

My hub went to magistrates court, unfortunately it made the media and all social media the next day for 3 cat c in a deleted file the media it was horrendous, he went back to magistrate 4 week later and it was not reported. Some people are still finding out now nearly a year later. He lost his job due to his contract conditions. He worked in a office.

It's not easy our new normal, its lonely we do our best. It's the constant punishment for this crime we all have to live the sentence. For those that stay and for those that leave.

Hopefully it doesn't get reported, if it does it is only in there for a few days.He does have a good PO and only speaks to them once a month now. They have been a great support for him, he also done courses and counselling sessions.

Take care of youAnne

Edited Sun June 6, 2021 7:40am

Emmie lou

Member since
January 2021

109 posts

Posted Sun June 6, 2021 9:04amReport post

Hi Anne

Thank you so much for getting back in touch with me, my partner had 1000 images 7 cat a 50 cat b and the rest cat c, this happened before I met him and while I love him and want to with him I wonder if I am strong enough, from the sounds of it he had a porn addiction he was in a bad place ( no excuses) and was watching porn for 6 hours a night gradually accessing worse content for the risk, he managed to stop,he regrets what he has done and came very close to suicide, he has an 11 year old son and a supportive ex wife and dad, my sister knows and is also supportive, he is very worried his address will be reported and there will be reprisals against the house as his dad is 78, also his son being bullied, we both know he has done wrong but they are both innocent, I'm thinking about telling my parents yet they have other family issues to deal with at the moment and I'm not sure they are strong enough

Again thanks for replying,


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Sun June 6, 2021 9:47amReport post

Ir is hard to tell if it will reach the media. My partner had more iiocs spanning ten years up until his arrest and no media was involved.

It it up to you about telling your parents. I didn't tell mine and they still have no real clue and my partner was sentenced in 2019. But I would suggest telling them if it is noticed media turned up or your partner gets custodial (if that happens).


Member since
March 2021

141 posts

Posted Sun June 6, 2021 10:42amReport post

Some make the media some don't. I didn't think it would have has it was 3 images where others have loads. They only reason it made it has it such a small village we live in.

We have had no problems from any neighbours, we always kept ourselves to ourselves anyway. The police did inform us by telephone to say if any problems we were to let them know and they would deal with it.

I know there was alot on social media as a friend was looking at it, I came off social media, this sort of backfire on me has family members who I hadn't told couldn't understand why I left and must of Google our name has that's how they found out. I'm still off it has don't miss it and trying to live a different life now.

It does disappear from the news and you will be looking over your shoulders, but it does get better. There will always be some who don't understand why we stay, but it's our decision and it's not a easy one, you will be a very strong person. None of us know what the future holds we do however have the right to change our minds.

Sending you a virtual hug


Emmie lou

Member since
January 2021

109 posts

Posted Sun June 6, 2021 1:06pmReport post

Thanks for the virtual hug, it was needed, because we live in different places i think the only people who will know by me is possibly my mum and dad, he cares for his dad so can't move over to me full time though he is thinking of lookin for work over here, his solicitor thinks the worst he will get is community service though from this forum ive learnt that it depends on the judge, his dad needs him which is another worry, we have talked for hours and I don't relate the man I know to the man who did this, but he did, he is tormented by what he has done, I have a grown up daughter and son and I'm praying they don't find out.

Thanks again for replying, your right about people understanding, I felt safe telling g my sister but don't think anyone else will understand,magistrates is a week on Tuesday, we are going on holiday on the Wed not sure its a good thing or not

Thanks again love you

Emmie lou

Member since
January 2021

109 posts

Posted Sun June 6, 2021 1:06pmReport post

Anne ment love to you xx