Family and Friends Forum

Feel so down

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Member since
June 2021

2 posts

Posted Sun June 6, 2021 9:44pmReport post

I was with my partner for just over a year but have known him for more then half my life. Everything was going well until one night he wasn't answering his phone. I went round to his house worried sick to find the police searching his property and hearing he had been arrested. He told me what it was for and I immediately thought this must be a mistake. He said it started from normal porn to then going on to chat rooms that had all sorts of porn on there. He's adamant he's never liked, shared, downloaded any images and he's only clicked on a video and then comes straight out. He said he's never watched child porn for that reason it's just whatever comes up on the videos and it's blurred until you click on it. He's out on bail at the moment whilst they look at the devices.. The social services contacted me the next day to say he's under investigation for 9 IIOC all of cat A, B and C. I tried supporting him but once SS said I can't have contact with him he's completely cut me dead and wants nothing to do with me now because I wasn't there when I needed him so he doesn't need me now. SS have said I can now see him with my kids but only supervised. I just don't know what to do. He said he loved me every day and now has completely wiped me out of his life. Could he be lying and are the police likely to find more on the devices and why am I being treated like I've done something wrong? I'm so upset, I can't eat or think of anything else

Edited Sun June 6, 2021 10:25pm


Member since
June 2021

6 posts

Posted Tue June 8, 2021 9:58amReport post

Hi, I'm new here, just reading through all the posts but I feel like no posts on here should go unanswered. I don't have any advice but just wanted to send many hugs, this is one of the toughest things to go through and him not wanting to talk to you prob makes this worse. We are here for you to listen!


Member since
January 2021

8 posts

Posted Tue June 8, 2021 2:25pmReport post

Post deleted by user

Edited Tue June 8, 2021 2:26pm


Member since
January 2021

8 posts

Posted Tue June 8, 2021 2:33pmReport post

Not sure while above deleted.

I'm so sorry you found yourself here. I can't offer much advice re SS or your own partners specific situation re interest, but I had a similar situation about the relationship status with my soon to be ex husband. I split with him after the knock last spring which I spent trying to work through the trauma and when I felt ready to re-commit, he couldn't forgive my leaving at what was a difficult time for him. It's horrible, because it feels like you're being punished from multiple angles.

Please remember this is in no way your fault. You did absolutely nothing wrong, and you will ge through this, I promise. Take it one hour at a time and give yourself lots of self love. Keep reaching out to people, keep talking here, keep going. I promise you life gets better, even if it is now a very different life than expected.

hugs xoxo


Member since
January 2021

8 posts

Posted Tue June 8, 2021 2:33pmReport post

Not sure while above deleted.

I'm so sorry you found yourself here. I can't offer much advice re SS or your own partners specific situation re interest, but I had a similar situation about the relationship status with my soon to be ex husband. I split with him after the knock last spring which I spent trying to work through the trauma and when I felt ready to re-commit, he couldn't forgive my leaving at what was a difficult time for him. It's horrible, because it feels like you're being punished from multiple angles.

Please remember this is in no way your fault. You did absolutely nothing wrong, and you will ge through this, I promise. Take it one hour at a time and give yourself lots of self love. Keep reaching out to people, keep talking here, keep going. I promise you life gets better, even if it is now a very different life than expected.

hugs xoxo


Member since
June 2021

2 posts

Posted Tue June 8, 2021 8:31pmReport post

It's just upsetting because i wanted to support him but was basically given an untimatum by the SS. He hasn't been charged and I just think innocent til proven guilty.