Family and Friends Forum

HELP.....!!! Advice needed.

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Member since
November 2020

32 posts

Posted Wed June 9, 2021 4:00pmReport post


I hope you're you're managing to get by. :-(

So I chased the detective in charge of my husbands case and she has told me that she will be in touch soon as only 1 phone left to come back. She told me to stop worrying and looking at worst case and she will be in touch shortly as was hoping to get the phone back the following week and finalise the case.

It's been a further 5 weeks now. :-(

It's been nearly 8 months from knock to today but I can't work out if he has or hasn't done something as she said she will be in contact with me soon. (Safeguarding issues means I'll be informed what has or hasn't happened)

What do you all think?



No idea?



Member since
March 2021

208 posts

Posted Wed June 9, 2021 5:17pmReport post


Hope your doing OK, when they took my sons devices and I chased up they said they were still waiting 12 months on fgs.. then 4 weeks later I get a call to say 2 have come back clean so waiting on the other 2 then 8 weeks after that I called and asked and they said unfortunately stuff has been found on the last too.. how gutted was I.. did she say if there was anything on the ones that have come back ? I really thought if 2 had come back clean then the others would sadly not the case .

I hope the wait isn't too much longer for you and hope for a better outcome than mine .

Take care


Member since
November 2020

32 posts

Posted Wed June 9, 2021 5:36pmReport post

Hi Becky,

Thanks for your reply. She hasn't said anything. Jjst that she will come and speak to me. I did find out from him that he has sent images and videos of me out on chat rooms... I am hoping that, that's why she wants to see me and not because of an IIOC. :-/ xx


Member since
March 2021

208 posts

Posted Wed June 9, 2021 10:52pmReport post


Hopefully that's all it is I hope so for your sake, how do you feel about images and videos of you being sent ? That can't be nice at all. Do you know why he's on chat rooms ? It has taken 18 months now he has court in July he was questioned Dec 2019 so its been a very long road.

Fingers crossed you get awnsers soon x