Family and Friends Forum

Deja vu….. 2nd knock!!

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Member since
May 2020

7 posts

Posted Sun June 13, 2021 9:25pmReport post

2 years ago this week we got our 1st knock. My O/H was totally honest with the police around the circumstances. He was arrested, placed on bail and told not to return home. Our house was searched with a fine tooth comb and over 30-40 items were taken. During the 12 month investigation he did not see our children and I had minimal contact with him. He always maintained his innocence but was adamant it was ignorance of the rules of not reporting the incidence. The police concluded that nothing had been found and closed the investigation.

6 months later I allowed him to come back with a lot of conditions; no personal phone/laptop. Work phone to be put away in my bedside drawer after work. No internet access without my consent. No control of money. I had been through such a traumatic year that he had no choice. Things were going well and we were making plans then ....

this week we got the 2nd knock (exactly 2 years later!!). Same team as last time. This time though they said they were doing things differently - no warrant, no arrest and they had a specialist digital forensic officer at my home. They checked all devices including my children's. They even spoke with them regarding the reasons they were there, last time everyone agreed that they didn't needed details. Nothing was found. However they did take my O/H work phone.

Police and SS are in agreement that he is guilty because 2 incidents is unlikely to be down to bad luck! My O/H is adamant he has no clue about this time and has put it down to misinformation!

Why did they do things differently? Why didn't they arrest him like last time? Why no warrant?

I am now in a predicament where I don't know who to believe. Another year of complete separation and devastation :(


Member since
March 2021

208 posts

Posted Sun June 13, 2021 10:42pmReport post


I have no words of wisdom for you but what I find really strange is they took 30 - 40 items and all clean they then do it a different way for what reason ? The mind boggles. Do you honestly think he's guilty ? Maybe you need to be talking to the officers and ask what an earth is going on to turn your world upside not once but twice. What does your husband say ? How old are your children ? .. hope your OK x

All Over the Place

Member since
March 2021

30 posts

Posted Sun June 13, 2021 11:38pmReport post

Hi CBM. Did they say why no warrant? I didn't think they could search without one. It sounds quite strange.

Just out of interest, have you ever changed your default admin passwords on your router, or is your WiFi password protected?


Member since
May 2020

7 posts

Posted Mon June 14, 2021 12:01amReport post

Hi Becky1234,

Thank you for responding to my post.

I would like to believe my husband is innocent but at the same time I need to protect my children so I need to remain cautious. Most people would never believe a loved one is capable of these things.
My 3 children are aged 10-15.
The police officer has said the incident has definitely happened and even gave me the date, time, the 24 seconds it took, and name of the account used to share this said image! My O/H is completely distraught it has happened again and is saying he is completely innocent. The previous incident he was completely honest about it all!


Member since
March 2021

208 posts

Posted Mon June 14, 2021 12:11amReport post

It's the no warrant bit that gets me aswell, I understand you have to be cautious. I don't think the children should of been told as thats not fair what if nothing is found again ? .

They may know date and time but did u ask if someone could hack it ? Did they give any explanation of how it all happened last time there must of been something to make them get a warrant and sieze all those items could that of been a hack ? . Gutted that your going through this a 2nd time x


Member since
May 2020

7 posts

Posted Mon June 14, 2021 12:11amReport post

Hi All over the place,

they didn't explain why no warrant. They didn't search our address this time but were asking questions like "can we have a look at you phone" or "would you mind sharing with me your password" etc. They were even trying to coax me by saying "how would you feel if you and I have a look in your husbands car/work bag/garage/loft" etc
I have nothing to hide and my husband stated he has nothing to hide so fill your boots.

In terms of our WiFi it just has the Sky password that comes provided. However the day before this said incident and for the week after we had intermittent WiFi that kept crashing so Sky sent us a new router. The police spotted this and asked for this router but decided that once it has been unplugged from the WiFi it's no longer useful!