Family and Friends Forum

Feeling like I can't carry on

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Member since
September 2020

42 posts

Posted Tue June 15, 2021 5:54pmReport post

I'm crying as I've written the title to this post but this is honestly how I feel. For the last week or so I just don't feel like I can carry on living in this life. Since the knock my entire life has fallen apart. My job that I was once okay at, I can't concentrate and I don't care about my work anymore as none of it means anything to me. But if I go on the sick then I am destined to spend day after day in my flat alone and I doubt that will make me feel any better.

Everything in my life has fallen apart because of my relative's offence. I only have a couple of friends but my relationships with them have suffered because they know that I'm not okay but I can't tell them what is wrong. I live now a lonely secluded life which is pure misery, day after day.

I'm not going to waste time going to my GP and telling them I'm depressed, I'm already on a high dose of antidepressants and have fortnightly counselling. None of it helps because none of it changes what has happened.


Member since
May 2021

199 posts

Posted Tue June 15, 2021 6:24pmReport post


im sorry you have found yourself in the club no one wanted to join.

I know it's really hard right now but it's really important that you try to take care of yourself.
have you called the helpline number and talked to them? That can really help

Also do think about taking some time off work, but fill your days with going for walks and maybe trying to do things that keep you calm but occupied as that would be better than feeling you are failing at your work

Also please consider telling a friend. I know it's so hard to talk about but a true friend will support you and be a shoulder to cry on and someone to distract you when you are struggling.

you are not alone. Thinking of you


Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Tue June 15, 2021 8:24pmReport post

soory to hear you are feeling so alone, i no how that feels, i contacted shout last week to talk to someone that doesnt no me or my situation. I felt l couldnt talk to family members as they defend my daughter or i end up defending her they are really helpful. hope things change for the better soon


Member since
December 2020

287 posts

Posted Fri June 18, 2021 11:50amReport post

Hello JE,

I am so saddened to know you and so many more of us are and continue to ne caught up in this situation, I am still in disbelief and if this can happen to me and my family, no one is exempt.

I know this must be such a difficult time for you , but please remember this is not your doing. You feel this way because of someone elses actions, I know it dosen't change things in that respect but try to put that at the forefront of your mind. it may help you move forward.

take care I wish you all the very best on this journey, it will get better over time and there are alot of individuals on here who can help you along the way .

BW x