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Nearing the end?

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Member since
March 2019

62 posts

Posted Tue June 15, 2021 8:43pmReport post

In three weeks time, 2 years and 4 months after the first knock, my husband has his crown court appearance. From what I gather from him, he didn't enter any plea at the magistrates (before it, i thought he was going to put in a guilty plea then, but that didn't happen).
It's a mixed bag of terror and relief now, that after all this time we are nearly at a point when we will finally have closure, of a sort. In a way, i'm almost looking foward to it. On the other hand, the sheer unknown of what the outcome will be, and what our future looks like beyond it, i just can't wrap my head around.

For anyone who's been there, was the sentencing done on the same day, or is it a seperate date again? I've yet to decide whether i want to attend the court, and whether it might be the last time i see him (there's a good possibilty of a custodial sentence, even if short) or not. I can't imagine how we'll move on after this, it's been such a crushing few years.


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Posted Wed June 16, 2021 8:54pmReport post

Hi kls

Is he pleading guilty?

Sentencing won't be done on the day, they usually adjourn for sentencing reports. They may ask for character references from friends and family but reports would come from probation etc.

I went to court for my exs appearance and they were very graphic so if you don't want to hear that then you could go and wait for him outside the court or his barrister if he does receive custodial.

You're so nearly there thank goodness, good luck



Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Thu June 17, 2021 7:02pmReport post

Hi Kls,

i dont want to contradict anyone else, but my husband didnt do a plea at majistrates because they couldnt deal with it and it needed to be dealt with at crown, downloading iioc, they did a pre sentence report before it got to crown, so when we went to crown, wghich is scary and ot nice, ( i cried in court as it sounded so bad ) he was sentence there and then, 2 years suspended sentence and has to sign sor and shop for 10 years, so i think if they do the pre sentence report he could be sentenced then. hope this helps xx


Member since
March 2019

62 posts

Posted Sun June 20, 2021 3:15pmReport post

Yes, he's pleading guilty. They told him at the magistrates he would go to crown court on 2 July but so far hadn't had any letters confirming it or any contact from his solicitor. He's given up totally so isn't proactive to actually contact the solicitor himself to find out what's going on. We're divorcing but I still want to support him, with a character reference if need be but that hasn't come up.

As much as it terrifies me, all I can think of is roll on July and get it over with