Family and Friends Forum

Character reference

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Emmie lou

Member since
January 2021

109 posts

Posted Wed June 16, 2021 6:17amReport post

Hi, my partner has been asked to get character references i am doing one, he said its not got to be about how I feel about the case but about what sort of person he is etc I am bit stuck on how to set it out and what to say, can anyone help who has done one

Thanks for reading


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Wed June 16, 2021 12:28pmReport post

He Emmie

I did one for my partner. If you search character references in the forum Search bar you hopefully will find other posts on the topic.

I think there are also templates online since it is relevant to any one going to court, regardless of the offence.

In a nutshell my structure was:

A bit about myself and how I know the offender

Explain what you know of the offence

Explain what the offender was like before the knock

Explain what the offender has done since the knock

Overall it is not a letter to say what you think they deserve as a sentence. I'm also not sure if it would be relevent to say how it would effect youif it goes to custodial as mitigation consideration unless you rely on the offender (such as for care).

Mine was no more than two pages long. Not sure if the judge paid much attention but my partner got suspended sentence for possession and distribution of iioc.

Emmie lou

Member since
January 2021

109 posts

Posted Fri June 18, 2021 7:32amReport post

Thanks so much for replying,I feel like I have a starting point now,how are things now for you


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Fri June 18, 2021 4:22pmReport post

Sentencing was stressful ofc. We expectes the worst. But afterwards at least we have more certainty in what is expected of my partner.

Regular catch ups with his PO. Police thus far let him know in advance when they will be over. They are meant to do random spot checks but each time they do they miss my partner. So they arrnang because they don't have much of a concern.

It hasn't been specifically said but I get the impression I have responsibility to keep an eye on him when around kids. He isn't allowed alone with them. But we have measures in place. His sentence ends in August which will be good. I just hope he will be ok with not having regular catch ups about his triggers. I have said if he needs extra therapy then he needs to say. But I think he has the 'tools' to prevent dangerous behaviour. I think it really helps him that he has me and family there to listen.

Emmie lou

Member since
January 2021

109 posts

Posted Fri June 18, 2021 6:24pmReport post

Hi, I'm hoping that once we know what we are dealing with things will improve, I don't live with my partner which I think has given me distance my children are grown up he has an 11 year old and a luckily supportive ex wife,my biggest fear is media coverage,his dad and sone are innocent and it could really affect there lives, I live in a different town which hopefully will help but my elderly parents read the paper from there online, my dad has had skin cancer twice and is experiencing another scare, they have so much to.worry about I don't want to add to it, we have crown court in 3 weeks, my partners offences happened before I met him, he says he stopped on his own so hope this is true

Take care