Family and Friends Forum

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Wed June 23, 2021 5:33pmReport post

Hello all.

Don't know if anybody can help me.

My OH got the knock on the 25/May.

Told me everything but I am sticking by him. I love him dearly and cannot leave him.

He has finished 28 days of bail and now on released under investigation. So trying our best to do stuff.

Going away in August. We need to sort stuff.

He tells me he hasn't meet anybody or agreed to he thinks he only had 50 pictures and 20 vids on his phone. He said that he veiwed only beastilily but not shared it. He told his soliceter everything but this is first offence ever.

Can anybody tell me if anybody has got employment again after this is over or change off name.

This is doing my head in and at my wit's end.



Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Thu June 24, 2021 11:51amReport post

Hi there

My partner has sentenced for iiocs (possession and distribution) of all categories and animal abuse vids etc. He got a suspended sentence.

When first arrested he had to let his work know, because they siezed his work laptop. Also his contract I believe said he had to disclose.

He did manage to get another job while under investigation, unless asked or stated in the contract you don't need to tell employeers of investigations.

After the sentencing he managed to get a better job since they didn't ask for his criminal background. If asked offenders must disclose, bit not all jobs ask this. But it is hard to find jobs that don't ask, especially if they are largish companies.

It also depends on the role, ofc those with exposure to kids will be off limits. Also be mindful if a job would require a DBS check. At my last partner's job he was asked to do a DBS and he refused and they thankfully didn't push it. Just meant he wasn't able to get overtime or additional experience.

Has your partner reached out for help in regards to his offending? The Lucy faithful helpline is useful and they have a courses available which my partner thought was great.

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Thu June 24, 2021 12:25pmReport post

Hello .

Thank you so much for getting back to me.

Been up all night talking to him. We have no children so that's something.

Sorry to ask this. How pictures etc did he have and have you had to change names because of people and the Google effect.

He has done 3 online concelling sessions and awaiting for a one to one session.

How long did it take from the knock till next interview etc.

Sorry to ask these questions but thank you


Emmie lou

Member since
January 2021

109 posts

Posted Thu June 24, 2021 1:16pmReport post

My partner has handed inhis job because he would have to disclose, his firm dont know even though they have his work laptop, he is in crown court in 3vweeks,even though the police have found nothing on his laptop he is having trouble getting it back which he obviously needs to before he leaves, just another little problem along the way, he has pled guilty to making images, 14 a 50 b rest c, his solicitor even though he should be ok money wise due to being able to draw down on his pension he wants a job as soon as possible, he really needs one or I can see him just sinking into a hole of depression, a big hug to you, its so difficult,


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Thu June 24, 2021 1:42pmReport post

3 years since my partner lost his job. He's applied for to interviews for a few but then sadly binned after being asked ...Do you have any unspent convictions....

He's at the point now where he believes it's best to wait until the 5 years pass and then he doesn't have to disclose....

I simply cannot fathom how the justice system believes it helps society by stopping offenders from getting worth while employment...the cost to the treasury department in benefits must run into millions .. according to hub unlock over 11 million people in the UK have a record ...

Emmie lou

Member since
January 2021

109 posts

Posted Thu June 24, 2021 7:00pmReport post

I agree with your point about the justice system, if we as a country want to rehabilitate offenders how does keeping someone without work for so long help, its like media coverage, I understand our partners have done wrong,but if its general knowledge what they have done it just makes it all the harder, and not to work but to do nothing day in day out is hardly going to help anyone, my partner wants to start applying for jobs as soon as possible, we have to try and sort the laptop situation out, his solicitor told him to deal with one problem at a time and this seems to be helping him, we will know in a few weeks what we are dealing with ,its a long haul isn't it I know that if people find d out they will judge me for staying with him, but I cant define him my just this he is more than that


Member since
June 2021

74 posts

Posted Thu June 24, 2021 7:07pmReport post

All I can say is that I echo what you say, it doesn't define them. I keep repeating this to my beloved son. X


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Thu June 24, 2021 10:16pmReport post

It did seem like my partner was very lucky to find a job within a few months of looking. He didn't get much help from probation. He has a degree and background in engineering. He had to take on a near minimum wage job while under investigation and rely on over time and early starts to get by.

There are companies that I believe are listed on but we're not suitable for my partner. He thankfully has a good role now, I just hope they never ask. It is a role that has nothing to do with kids but it can be understandable why companies don't want to hire people with such a record.

In response to a few posts above- no name changes needed thankfully. My partner's case never reached the media and he moved away from the area he was arrested. He had a a few thousand of a mix of images. We were expecting prison sentence to be honest.

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Thu June 24, 2021 10:29pmReport post

Thank you so much for the help and advice everybody.

Me and my other half are constantly talking and still no clearlier in these dark times.

Does anybody know if we moved away would we have to go back to the original police and courts for more questions.

Thank you all again



Member since
April 2020

149 posts

Posted Fri June 25, 2021 4:22pmReport post

My husband joined an employment agency after he lost his job. The agency have been brilliant and know about his conviction. He has had constant work since - in fact he could work all day every day if he wanted to! Okay so it's not the kind of money he earned before but the job isn't stressful so it's good for now.

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Fri June 25, 2021 5:32pmReport post

Hiya all.

Thank you so much with all the help with this. I have told my O/H about the forums etc and it's seems to help us.

He is excluded from work at the moment and works in the public sector in a closed area no kids etc. I think he said they was a meeting today and said he's bosses want him back. Hope so for a bit of normal stuff for a while.

Thank you so much everybody.



Member since
June 2021

74 posts

Posted Fri June 25, 2021 7:17pmReport post

Bellebee, are you able to share which employment agency? Fine if not x


Member since
April 2020

149 posts

Posted Fri June 25, 2021 7:34pmReport post

They are called The Best Connection. Branches all over the UK :-)


Member since
June 2021

74 posts

Posted Sat June 26, 2021 8:14amReport post

Thank you x

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Sun June 27, 2021 10:01amReport post

Thank you everybody. I will tell my O/H about the job information.



Member since
June 2021

3 posts

Posted Sun June 27, 2021 5:52pmReport post

BelleBee, this is so useful thank you for sharing. Did your partner apply to work for the agency directly as a recruitment advisor etc or do you mean he is a contractor working in other companies? My OH is going to be charged in July after receiving unsolicited pictures and his current workplace have a strict policy on disclosing any convictions so he's starting to look for other jobs ahead of time.

I found this website too for anyone else searching, it has a list of employers who have a better attitude towards people with a conviction:

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Mon June 28, 2021 6:04pmReport post


Thank you for the Jobs through, my O/H looked through the site it seems very optimistic about his plans for work.

Thank you xx


Member since
April 2020

149 posts

Posted Mon June 28, 2021 6:22pmReport post

Hi Hannah,

He disclosed his conviction to the agency but they place him in other companies who don't know (they is no need). He has had a number of long term placements at these companies. They have so much work for him it's really working well. It's not what he wants to do long term but it's fine for now and it pays the mortgage! (And I importantly is very low stress) x


Member since
June 2021

5 posts

Posted Wed June 30, 2021 8:17pmReport post

Hi Chelsea1

Is your husband able to keep working in the public sector? I'm asking because my son is so worried about losing his job once they find out because it says on his contract he has to disclose any interviews, arrests or convictions.

There aren't any children involved in his job either. It seems crazy they'll lose good jobs when they need all the security they can get to help get them sorted out!

Hope your husband's job works out.

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Thu July 1, 2021 3:47pmReport post

Hiya juniper.

Hubby has just been told he can go back to work but only in around 2 weeks time.

He has to see the boss in the morning but not leave the contained area only for wee breaks.

Hope this helps xx

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Wed July 7, 2021 1:24pmReport post


Just a update on hubby's jobs.

First job is starting on 17/July in a enclosed area where basically nobody can get in.

Second job they have said not to go back but it's only a cleaning job but still being paided but excluded.

His argument was that he is on RUI and it could take ages but if they wanna pay him to sit at home wasn't good for him or his mental health which he is really struggling with.

So they are letting him back and keep fingers crossed until the Rui is up.

Could be a long journey.



Member since
June 2021

5 posts

Posted Wed July 7, 2021 5:26pmReport post

Hi Chelsea1,

Thanks for responding, it helps knowing there's a chance my son might be able to keep his job but I'm not going to hold my breath, I don't know anything about this world we're in yet but finding out all the time! My son needs to keep working to pay the bills, and for self esteem, he'd be in a bad way if they took that away.

I'm so glad your husband has got work sorted, it's so much better for self esteem and mental health, they need all the support they can get and need to feel positive to be able to get through this to make a better, safer future.

Hope all goes well.