Family and Friends Forum

Visit from the probation officer

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Member since
May 2019

61 posts

Posted Tue June 29, 2021 7:40pmReport post

Hi everyone,

It's been a while since I posted on here, my hb had a meeting with his po on Monday who has told him his next meeting will be a home visit.

I am really against this, I don't want this at my door and in my home again. Am I being unreasonable as I think hb thinks I am...

Im getting to the stage of where this could be the end for us.... I have stood by him but I do t think its fair that I don't have my safe haven my home where I only allow the people I want to come in, come in.

Stay safe

Mata x


Member since
May 2019

61 posts

Posted Tue June 29, 2021 8:33pmReport post

Thank you Lee1969 for replying, we have had mappa visit a couple of times and on both occasions I have been asked to leave the room which again pee'd me off to be honest. I understand he has to have these visits and meetings I just don't want them in my home... I will have a look on the unlock website, thank you again.

Mata x


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Posted Tue June 29, 2021 10:37pmReport post

Unfortunately you aren't going to be able to stop probation or mappa / police offender manager from turning up and coming in the house. Repeated refusal to allow them access can result in a search warrant to gain access. This is one of the things that we have to accept as part of the new life if we chose to stay.

I am surprised and a little taken a back at the fact they have asked you to leave the room as that has been the complete opposite to my experience with their visits. I've either been in the room for the entire visit or i've stuck my head around the door and said hello. Every time they have visited they have been happy to answer the long list of questions that I've compiled since the last visit. I actually requested a meeting with both probation and the offender manager very early on in the process. For me, I do find their visits welcoming as it's one of a few times when I don't feel like I have to try and put on a front and that i'm keeping things from people.