Family and Friends Forum

Re- referred to SS

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Member since
May 2019

56 posts

Posted Tue June 29, 2021 11:22pmReport post

When my childrens dsd first got arrested two years ago social services did a 45 day assessment and then signed us off with no further action. Two months ago he was charged and placed on the SOR for five years and we were re referred back to SS by his probation officer.... Apparently... As I've heard absolutely nothing from them. Does it usually take this long for them to contact you again? Or have they chosen not to go any further? I'm super confused.


Member since
October 2019

155 posts

Posted Wed June 30, 2021 7:29amReport post

Hi Hun,

I'm not really sure tbh. Sometimes it can take a while. Maybe since they closed your case before you might be low priority for them so they're in no rush to re open it. Can I ask, is your childrens dad living with you, did they close your case with a safety plan in place or just close it? Maybe call children's services so you're not in another limbo.


Edited Wed June 30, 2021 7:30am


Member since
May 2019

56 posts

Posted Wed June 30, 2021 2:56pmReport post

Thank you both for replying.

It was previously closed with no restrictions two years ago and at the time he was living with us.

He moved out 18 months ago and now lives on his own for now until his SoR finishes. There is no SHPO in place. He's spoken to his PO and she's said SS have said no further action required.....I'm so confused


Member since
May 2019

56 posts

Posted Wed June 30, 2021 6:31pmReport post

Unsupervised contact yes, no restrictions on personal care or taking them to the park etc

Overnight stays here no as that would breech his SoR as this isn't a named household and he can't have the children over at his as again that would breech the SoR restrictions. He can be here 11 hours a day though


Member since
April 2021

140 posts

Posted Wed June 30, 2021 10:58pmReport post

Hello both,

apologies if I'm being naive here but why can't they return to live at home if they've been granted unsupervised access and no restrictions?

it might be me being ignorant but what's the case with 'named household'?

again I might just be clueless (as I'm still very new on this journey) but I thought if SS were happy with contact and had stepped away then they could come home?


Member since
April 2020

149 posts

Posted Wed June 30, 2021 11:19pmReport post

Pregnant and scared.. every case is different I'm afraid and will be very dependent on lots of factors including the offence, conviction, details of SHPO etc... Local authorities also seem to deal with these cases differently too. My husband is allowed to live at home with no restrictions but if SS had had their way they wouldn't have let this happen. We had to push for an assessment - they weren't interested and wanted to keep our case closed and not let my husband live at home until after his suspended sentence was over.
take care xx


Member since
May 2019

56 posts

Posted Thu July 1, 2021 8:20amReport post

A named household is one that has children residing there but where the offender doesn't live. So he can only be here 11 hours a day unless we put it down as a named household on his SoR details.

There's nothing to say he can't live here. We made the decision to live apart for his duration on the SoR to reduce social services input for the sake of the children.

His conviction was 5 years on the SoR, a £200 fine and 25 hours work with probation to be completed within a year.