Family and Friends Forum

Visiting the GP

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Member since
January 2021

8 posts

Posted Wed June 30, 2021 3:50pmReport post

Hi everyone,

I'm not sure if this is right place to speak to ask this but I just wanted to know if anyone has any advice about how to speak to your gp about this?

My ex-partner got the knock ten months ago now and though we're no longer together we've tried to support each other throughout, but recently I've been feeling completely overwhelmed and worthless about the situation. I'm lucky enough to already have a therapist through work but when I went to speak to my GP to see if there was any further help, the advice I got was that I just needed to fully leave 'what sounds like a toxic relationship'... not exactly the empathetic or nuanced response I was hoping for. Does anyone have any advice about how to talk to medical professionals about this situation and the accompanying feelings/anxieties?

Thanks so much for you help.


Member since
November 2020

428 posts

Posted Wed June 30, 2021 4:13pmReport post

Can u ring you gp service and ask for a second opinion,, I would also put in a complaint I know that it maybe hard but u should never been treated like that and defo not from any medical person,,

I was told about writing my feelings down on a piece of paper then throughing it in the bin it works,, it's like get the through out of your head and dealing with it kind of thing,,

I also write in a dairy daily about the day how I am feeling what has gone on in the day.

But I defo would get a second opinion and defo talk to them about the way he /she spoke to you..

I also only deal with facts and nothing else,,

Try to slow things down its only been 10 months and lots of emotions to deal with..

Take it hour by hour and try and eat small amount and sleep when u can..

Keep coming here for help and support,, the helpline is great to,,

Its not your fault any of this,, its OK not to be OK to hun,,

There is no right or wrong why to deal with all of this but first you must look after YOU,, you can pour from a empty cup.

Don't make decisions when stress or under pressure hope these help in some way sending big hugs ur not alone we are here for u xx