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Asking for help

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Member since
March 2021

52 posts

Posted Wed June 30, 2021 7:26pmReport post

Hello you wonderful lot. I am realising I am going to have to seek some outside help to help manage what I am thinking and to help get my thoughts straight. I seem to be ok and then take a complete spiral. I suppose I should be looking for a therapist but it is so hard to ask for help and I am so worried to go the gp. Any ideas on seeking a good counsellor? I have read the stop it now has a list of professionals but I can't find the page.

Thank you, keep marching on everyone! X


Member since
April 2021

2 posts

Posted Wed June 30, 2021 8:20pmReport post

I know exactly how you feel. I have been talking to the samaritans to try to get my head straight. I have days when I feel ok then for no apparent reason I spiral into feeling very down. I have considered going to my gp but find it hard to talk face to face. If you can't get help anywhere else I would highly recommend the Samaritans, you can call or email.

stay strong


Member since
February 2019

18 posts

Posted Wed June 30, 2021 9:39pmReport post


I feel the same I was at a very low point a few weeks ago and I asked mind for help and they gave me some numbers but I havent had the courage to call any of them yet

And I feel like a normal therapist wouldn't understand the situation anyway so its putting me off



Member since
May 2021

153 posts

Posted Wed June 30, 2021 9:42pmReport post

Just wanted to say that my experience talking to GP was really quite simple and useful. Once I'd briefly explained what had happened (husband arrested for IIOC, now alone with kids) and said I was struggling to cope they didn't ask too many questions, apart from checking safeguarding, and signed me off work with acute stress symptoms and said to self refer to the local counseling service. They were very straight about it - it's an understandable response for someone to be overwhelmed in this situation and I felt the GP not questioning that validated my feelings.

I would say though that it's a long process - finding a therapist privately would probably be quicker. It's taken a few months but I've just started the counseling and can see how it should be a helpful space to talk through everything. As you've said feeling okay and then spiraling is really difficult to cope with so I'd try anything to try to find an anchor in those trickiest times.

I hope you find what you need x


Member since
May 2021

153 posts

Posted Wed June 30, 2021 9:43pmReport post

PS Fiona - a lot of GP appointments are still over the phone around here so might not even need face to face