Family and Friends Forum

My world has shrunk

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Member since
June 2021

74 posts

Posted Thu July 1, 2021 8:47amReport post

In the space of a week since my son's arrest,my world has shrunk to just him and one friend who is not geographically close but available on phone.

I'm new to this area have no friends , just my FT work which is stressful.

My partner of 4 years who I love deeply just upped and left on day of arrest. I now have to pack all his belongings up.

So much for my fresh start,eh?

Sorry. Feel so very low. X


Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Thu July 1, 2021 10:30amReport post

Sorry to hear you are feeling so alone, but you are not and talk on here if you need to and I'll keep an eye out for you so you can vent if you need too xx

I no its hard but hang in there


Member since
June 2021

74 posts

Posted Thu July 1, 2021 10:50amReport post

That means a huge amount , thank you x