Family and Friends Forum

Remote hearing

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Member since
December 2019

89 posts

Posted Thu July 1, 2021 9:04pmReport post

Hi guys!

So we have crown court remote hearing tomorrow. For pleading which he is pleading guilty.

What angers me is CPS have charged him with something we all know as evidence shows that he didn't arrange or facilitate. The 'girl' did (police decoy) and my husband went yer maybe as this convo happened 5 days after the sexual convo had happened. Anyway solicitor and QC sent CPS a plea bargain saying he will plead to other two charges but not this charge and they haven't come back to us.

I don't understand why the CPS don't feel the need to respond to us so it leaves everything in the air for tomorrow.

I know probation reports happens after tomorrow and stuff but what about SS. Atm we are on safety plan and they closed the case and we haven't heard from them for over year. Are they going to come back in a completely ruin our lives? My husband is living back at home. He has been doing counselling and I am due to start NSPCC safety courses.

But I have kept both my children safe during a lockdown with no other support so I feel it unfair if they come in and decide to change everything.

I am just so scared xx


Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Thu July 1, 2021 11:19pmReport post

Hi notsurewheretogo,

I would expect to, ss got back in touch with us because the policeman told us he had known people to go home with wat my husband was being charged with, it turns out they got back in touch because of wat the policeman told them ( although I don't believe a word ss say unfortunately) so I would say it depends on way happens but be prepared is best bet x hopefully they won't