Family and Friends Forum

What are you thankful for?

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All Over the Place

Member since
March 2021

30 posts

Posted Sat July 3, 2021 4:18pmReport post

OK, we have all been through hell - that much is for certain - and, for most of us, we would not wish this on our worst enemy. However, despite all the heartache, anger, sleepleess nights, tears, and frustration, has there been one positive thing to have come out of your hell that you are thankful for?

For me, I have become a stronger person, whereas before I was a bit of a pushover. I never knew I had the strength, determination, and tenacity I have found. :)

All Over the Place

Member since
March 2021

30 posts

Posted Sat July 3, 2021 4:44pmReport post

That's AMAZING, Lee - thank you for sharing. :)


Member since
June 2019

236 posts

Posted Sat July 3, 2021 7:17pmReport post

I am stronger than I ever thought I could be. I am less judgmental. I have learnt a lot about this crime and the situation we find ourselves in and how many of our men get to this point. I have been surprised to have found people in my life not only accept my decision to stand by my husband but also for them to do so as well. I have found new friends who understand the hell i have been through, you know who you are and for which I am ever thankful. Xxx


Member since
October 2019

150 posts

Posted Sat July 3, 2021 7:23pmReport post

I'm similar to you All Over The Place... I was a bit of a push over and spent too much time putting others first and helping others and I didn't always get help back... Although I've never been great at asking for help.

I'm definitely not a push over at all anymore. I'm actually thankful for some of the struggles I've faced so far as I've grown so much stronger and more confident to speak up and stand up. I'm so proud of how I've coped in becoming more or less a single mum in the time it took for the police to press my door bell. I'm thankful this journey has stopped my black and white thinking in it's tracks with these situations. I'm thankful to see that the support network I thought I'd always have, I still have. I'm thankful to have connected with some incredible ladies through this page and gained new friends.

I'm not always great at looking at the positives so thank you for this post.


Edited Sat July 3, 2021 7:26pm

All Over the Place

Member since
March 2021

30 posts

Posted Sat July 3, 2021 11:38pmReport post

Sad and Worried and Dottie, marvellous stuff.

When we think about how much further we have to go, it's always good to remind ourselves just how far we've come.

We are warriors, that's what we've become.

Keep your fire burning. X


Member since
November 2020

30 posts

Posted Sun July 4, 2021 11:02pmReport post

I am thankful for how strong I am, for seeing how amazing and understanding my whole family have been, thankful for my little girl that came at the right time for all of us that brings joy into our lives, and seeing my dad be the amazing grandad he is after him thinking his life was over, I'm thankful that my dad didn't end his life and that he's come out a strong person who opens up and who I'll forever be proud of.
I'm thankful we can get my dad the help he's always needed but has been terrified to ask for! I'm thankful ss have finally closed our case and we can be a family and I can get some me time!

In some strange ways I'm thankful for so many things that have come out of this! Im a firm believer if everything happens for a reason even though it is so hard to see it on that first knock x