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Do all stuff get into the media.

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Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

901 posts

Posted Mon July 5, 2021 1:20pmReport post

Hiya all.

Dunno if anybody can help.

My Hubby is on RUI is wondering if and when he case goes to court does it always go into the media.

Thank you xx

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

901 posts

Posted Mon July 5, 2021 7:04pmReport post

Hiya lee.

Well Hubby and me have both deleted all traces of social media now.

He only got the knock end of May 2021 so could be a while yet.

It's a bloody worry thou xx

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

901 posts

Posted Mon July 5, 2021 7:56pmReport post

Thank you Lee.

Really do appreciate it really do.

Gonna concentrate on things ie help for hubby and see where it leads us.

Like you say ifs and buts can do your head in.

Once again thank you xx


Member since
June 2021

85 posts

Posted Mon July 5, 2021 8:57pmReport post

We only got the knock at that end of March. Me too I am also terrified that it will get into the media and I will lose all my friends. I have 2 young children and worry for them and hope that the police will help me to protect them.
He is still living with us for the sake of the children who know no different but I feel like if it all gets out I will have to leave him in order to have the support of my friends. I don't honk I could do it on my own and I don't want my children to suffer


Member since
October 2019

155 posts

Posted Tue July 6, 2021 7:56amReport post

Hi Chelsea 1 and Starry,

I know the fear you're feeling. At the beginning of my journey I was also terrified about the media and massively letting myself go to all the scenarios and what I would do if this or that happened. I know it's hard but try to push that worry away... Unfortunately many cases take several months if not years to get to the end of sentencing. Near the end your media worry won't just be sprung on you, they'll be time between charges and sentencing to work out your plans and what ifs. Try and focus on right now and getting through each day. I know it's hard when looking at people that don't know. I used to stand on my daughter's playground and look around feeling like I'm in another world looking down at other people.

Take a breath and slow your thinking down ladies.

You've got this forum to guide you xx

Edited Tue July 6, 2021 8:00am


Member since
June 2021

85 posts

Posted Tue July 6, 2021 8:20amReport post

Thank you so much.
that is exactly how I feel, looking around at all my friends and feeling like they will hate me when all this comes out. Looking at all the people in the playground who will be staring and gossiping and judging me whatever I do.
getting through each day is hard. Some days are ok, other days are pure torture. Due to hubby trying to commit suicide I feel like I can't even say how I'm feeling and constantly have to be there for him like my needs don't matter. Like I just need to get on with it. If I am not there is a chance he will do it again!!!!! I don't know.
thank you for replying x


Member since
October 2019

155 posts

Posted Tue July 6, 2021 9:12amReport post

Yeh, sometimes I used to feel like I had a giant arrow pointing to me on the playground, like I stick out like a sore thumb but needed to remind myself to calm down and no one knows. I've also spent time working out how the mums would react.... Who would gossip, who would ignore me, who would try and be there for me.. would I let them or trust them. It's so hard, sometimes you just need to shake your head and forcus on right now! I used to take a breath and look up to the sky or just above everyone and try to have a moment, I still do. I also wear sunglasses some days just so I can ignore people without it being so obviously on the days I just want to get in and out of the playground.

I can absolutely relate with you and your husband. My husband has also tried to commit suicide twice. He has always suffered with his mental health (bipolar) The panic of saying the wrong thing and losing them, the questions going around in your head but you don't dare to ask just incase! It's so scary but also so frustrating, you end up so fixed in getting them through each day that you're forgotten by yourself and them. Does he have a mental health team supporting him as that would take some worry from you? Has he spoken to you about it and how he felt afterwards? I often ask my husband if he is having thoughts of harming himself and make him promise to tell me. The doctor's have recently upped his medication so he's doing better.

Lots of love xxx


Member since
June 2021

85 posts

Posted Tue July 6, 2021 12:29pmReport post

Thank you so much for replying it's so nice to hear from a similar experience.
Im doing exactly as you did. Just trying to work out who will do and say what. What will I say to them. I feel like the rest of my life will be based on lies.
My husband has never had a mental health problem. The mental health team has said it's an acute stress reaction to his arrest and being found out about his porn addiction. There is no one keeping an eye on him he doesn't think he needs medication but said a few weeks ago and he still had some suicidal thoughts. He is seeing a sex therapist and is about to do the stop so course so is trying to help himself but I am so angry with what he has done to me and our kids I find it hard to support him or talk to him about it all. He is a closed book and will only talk about it if I ask and as I am struggling myself I am trying to get myself through every day I don't ask much.
bisciius circle and a long road.
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