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Member since
March 2021

6 posts

Posted Mon July 5, 2021 10:27pmReport post

So my partner has been told that the police have found 3 class A images on an old phone from a WhatsApp work group chat. At no point did my OH ask for these images or send these images so the police are pushing for a caution, they are unable to drop the charges because the images have been found but agree that these were sent from other people in a stupid lads group. Anyway, I've chosen to stand by him, now SS are implying that I'm a bad mother because I've chosen to keep my family together instead of separate.

My OH is a wonderful father and there is absolutely no risk to our daughter but SS have said even if he's given a caution this is a sign of guilt and he'll be seen as a danger to our daughter. I'm worried this is going to escalate to a child protection case and they're going to argue I don't have my daughters best interests at heart and it's going to tear my family apart over a stupid group text.

We've done everything they've asked of us but they haven't checked on the progress of the case, haven't replied to emails with updates from the police and seem completely incompetent. I worried that complaining will only make them come down on us more and they're going to try and take my daughter away.

just needed to get it out because my OH is in a dream world thinking this is all going to go away and sooner or later they'll see he's a decent guy :(


Member since
April 2020

149 posts

Posted Mon July 5, 2021 10:58pmReport post

Hi there,

Having SS involved is hideous and I really think that sometimes it's easier for SS if families separate and they can close the case. I would very much doubt that they can remove your daughter so try not to worry. My husband was convicted as is on the SOR and he's allowed to live back at home with our children. Just a word of warning though - please don't tell SS you believe he is at no risk to your daughter (even if you know this to be the case) as they will potentially say that you are naive and non protective. Put together and safety plan and call the family rights group as this will give you the confidence to know your rights and deal with SS. Our first Sw was awful - the second was lovely and was very supportive of my husband being home so they aren't all bad.
good luck xxx

Edited Mon July 5, 2021 10:59pm

Globe trotter

Member since
June 2021

48 posts

Posted Mon July 5, 2021 11:46pmReport post

A caution is not a conviction so it is a better outcome


Member since
December 2020

287 posts

Posted Tue July 6, 2021 12:47amReport post


I can't see that he can be charged for receiving iioc on his phone. Anyone can send anything to anyone, if he hasn't passed it on or searched and downloaded stuff on his phone or any other device, then If he is going to be charged it should just be a caution or nothing at all. How did they see this from a wattsapp chat? I am curious.

I understand that police are reluctant to use cautions and do not give many out . My son recently teceived one for 2 pictures A/B Didnt go to court . 2years SOR and restrictionnbbkHe's 23

wishing you all the bery best


Member since
March 2021

6 posts

Posted Tue July 6, 2021 7:20amReport post

Thanks so much everyone, this group is really a life saver.

I think the problem is mainly the 2 people from our local SS, I've personally never been spoken to in such a degrading and upsetting manner.

Putting together a safety plan is such a good idea and I'll definitely be contacting family services for additional advice. Thank you

In regards to WhatsApp chat groups, I'm not sure about everyone's phones but mine automatically downloads any sent photos to my camera roll so unless these are manually deleted a simple search through photos would flag these images up, hope that helps x


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Wed July 7, 2021 12:35pmReport post

Hi Lily may

Just wanted to add my comments to this thread.

A caution given by police IS an admittance by the defendant of guilt it is also a conviction and It will be disclosed on enhanced criminal record check and is recorded by the police on PNC and criminal intelligence logs.

If the defendant wishes to work with children he/she must disclose a caution.

Travel over seas to certain countries will require a visa application for anyone issued a police caution.

Finally any future offences the caution is disclosable by the prosecution.

More info re police cautions and there effects on life afterwards can be found on hub unlock....