Family and Friends Forum

Self reporting

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Globe trotter

Member since
June 2021

48 posts

Posted Thu July 8, 2021 9:13amReport post

I have a partner who self reported to the police

Who has a partner who self reported and what was the outcome if any


Member since
March 2021

208 posts

Posted Thu July 8, 2021 11:31amReport post

Globe trotter

I don't have an awnser to your question, but really wanted to reply to you.

Your partner has showed extreme courage and I wish you both lots of luck.

If you type in Maij in the search bit her son disclosed she maybe able to help with your question x

Globe trotter

Member since
June 2021

48 posts

Posted Thu July 8, 2021 12:15pmReport post

I think once they look at the laptop they might find something that would make the situation worse

I hope they are sympathetic and give a caution

Because I don't want him to go to prison

Edited Thu July 8, 2021 12:20pm


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Thu July 8, 2021 12:30pmReport post

It is so hard for someone to self disclose. But it is one step closer to getting better and rehabilitation.

In the meantime your partner could benefit from the online modules on stop it now and/or sign up to the inform course to help with rehabilitation. Such cases can take a long time to be concluded, so self help early on is key to helping rebuild.


Member since
December 2020

287 posts

Posted Fri July 9, 2021 12:00amReport post

Hello Globetrotter and thank you Becky1234x

my son self disclosed on 5th Decs 2020, aged 23. He first told me, then after talking all evening and a sleepless night. We drove to the police station and told them. 6 police officers then turned up at our door later that day, took statements and my son had already collected all the devisces up and handed them to the police. He was arrested and taken for questioning , he was released without charge/bail waiting investigation. About 3 months later he was called by his solicitor and was told that he was going to receive a "caution" no court appearance. This means 2 years on SOR, visits from PO every 3 months to see hows hes getting on check devices etc if they wish, and he now has restrictions on places that he can go , depending on their policy e.g he recently went to a theme park and had to tell the PO , who then checked the companies policy to determine if he could go, he was able to go but some places do not allow people to attend if the have committed these offences. He has to tell PO if he is staying over with friends or if he is staying with someone for more than 12 hours who have children. If he breaks the agreement forgets to tell them , he will go to court! So I need to make sure that he communicates with the PO whenever he is doing anything or going anywhere , just in case its out of bounds and we may not realise or simply forget.
i wish you all the very best x

Edited Fri July 9, 2021 12:34am

Globe trotter

Member since
June 2021

48 posts

Posted Fri July 9, 2021 9:26amReport post

I just feel that the police will find something on the laptop and change their minds about a caution


Member since
December 2020

287 posts

Posted Fri July 9, 2021 9:28amReport post

I would like to add. The biggest positive is that you partner, reported himself, acknowledge he has done wrong and wants to stop . This will help and the police, I hope will show some leniency for someone who has taken the courage to report themselves irrespective of the consequences which can be /are life changing' and thats the punishment.


Edited Fri July 9, 2021 10:24am


Member since
December 2020

287 posts

Posted Fri July 9, 2021 9:37pmReport post

The police did find iioc's x2 on my son's pc . They still gave hime a caution. Fingers crossed for you .

take care x