Family and Friends Forum

Appealing a SHPO at end of suspended sentence

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Member since
December 2019

499 posts

My partner's two year suspended sentence is due to end next month. He was given a ten year SHPO. The conditions are pretty standard.

He had always planned to get it the duration reduced. Initially thinking around about 4 years in to have it removed or slimmed down (the conditions) by year 5. His PO has suggested he looks into it now ...and get the ball rolling. I think it is a bit soon and I see the SHPO as part of his punishment for his actions.

Has anyone gone through the process to appeal conditions and/or remove a SHPO? I am also assuming my partner will also try to reduce the time he is on the SOR.

Posted Tue July 13, 2021 1:13pmReport post


Member since
April 2021

140 posts

I didn't know you even could? I thought it was pretty set once ordered bu the courts. I've only heard of time on the register being appealed if they get it for life and only then can you appeal after 15 years?

Sorry that isn't much help but I'm hoping you can get it changed :)

Posted Tue July 13, 2021 3:58pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Thanks Lee.

We were also under the impression that after 5 years it can be asked to be revoked. My partner has reached out to some solicitors who hopefully will clarify. Maybe if we go to the right courts sooner to have it end at 5 years that might be possible.

All the conditions are fair except the last one in regards to disclosure for under 16s, especially in regards to social services involvement. They are currently saying we need to disclose to my cousins because they have young kids- when I rarely see them and can easily ensure my partner doesn't interact with them.

Unfortunately I feel like it is too late to get this clause amended. Not to say totally removed, but to not be so over the top in regard to non immediate family and friends. I hope we can get it sorted before my other cousin has a child but once the cat is out the bag with my other cousins I'm pretty sure my whole mum's side of the family will know and majority see only in black and white.

I shall look at unlock again and see what I can find. Probably should use it more really for all things post is all a headache

Even said to my partner that if the authorities are making it so hard for him to live a normal life why didn't they just send him to prison. That is how I feel at the moment.

Posted Tue July 13, 2021 5:58pmReport post

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