Family and Friends Forum

Haven't had a call ?

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Member since
July 2021

1 post

Posted Fri July 16, 2021 10:47amReport post

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Edited Sun July 18, 2021 12:44pm


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Fri July 16, 2021 6:07pmReport post

Hi there.

I haven't been in your situation but I was hoping you could say why they were recalled if that is ok.

My partner has recently been caught out not complying with his SHPO and so far the police haven't taken any action as such but now makes me worried that if he messes up again he will be taken with little to no warning.

I hope it won't be long until you get a call back


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Fri July 16, 2021 8:33pmReport post

Hi Lee.

Not great tbh. Keep bursting into tears and working from home doesn't help. My partner is in the process to find a solicitor to challenge the condition about no contact with any child, we have a meeting with the police officer next Saturday to discuss disclosure to my cousins. I worry that if we rock the boat even more, or say we are seeking legal advice the officer will just charge him for the breach....

Going to disclose to my mum and step dad this weekend. I was hoping to never need to do it but I need the support (I hope they won't be too mad). My mum I think will be there for me but not sure about my step dad. They get on so well with my partner, I dread to see that relationship go cold