Family and Friends Forum


Member since
December 2019

89 posts

Posted Fri July 16, 2021 7:46pmReport post

So My husband pleaded guilty and had to sign onto SOR however we have a christening coming up soon we have three families with children attending two of these know of the offences.

However there is one family that doesn't, is he required to tell the family?



Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Fri July 16, 2021 8:01pmReport post

Hi there.

I have come up with this issue very recently.

It depends on the SHPO and SOR conditions. My partner, despite not having a contact offence, has a condition that states he is to have no contact with any child under 16 (except for circumstances like in the supermarket etc) unless the parents are aware of the offending and agree for contact AND social services sign off on it.

We had originally thought circumstances like big family dos would be ok but have since been told that my partner breached the condition.

The police are now going OTT saying my partner needs to disclose to family members of mine that we rarely see and can avoid going to events.

I would recommend speaking to the probation officer, and not attend until it is clear what the conditions are. I have a bday to go to in a few weeks, despite my uncle and aunt saying they ok for my partner to come we haven't got sign off from social services, so my partner won't attend until it is ear if he is allowed.


Member since
December 2019

89 posts

Posted Sun July 18, 2021 9:26pmReport post

Thanks for the replies.

No SHPO in place at the moment, as sentencing isn't until August.

Just signed onto sor a little while ago.

Will get him to speak to them tomorrow.