Family and Friends Forum

Help I don't know what to do

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Emmie lou

Member since
January 2021

109 posts

Posted Sun July 18, 2021 9:12amReport post

My partners case went on line last Thursday and in the paper on sat, it was on a roundup yesterday, I'm hoping that was it, he lives and looks after his elderly dad, I live 20 miles away and so far noone has seen it, except my daughter who at first was supportive, now she wants me not to bring my partner to family events while she deals with it which i understand completely, he has lost his job and now his son, his exwife has been great until it hit the press now she has messaged him to say she has told his son he has moved down south to work and can't even talk to him she has told him to move away, he is in despair infact it's gone past that, he's thinking of moving in with me for abit till it blows over, which leaves his dad alone and he looks after him, I knew it would be bad I knew he deserves to be punished but this is beyond that, he is going to phone social services tomorrow and lucyfaithfull to get recommendations for counselling, his PO report said he was very low risk for reoffending, he'd stopped before I met him, and hadn't searched for anything, the report also said in his opinion he didn't do it for sexual reasons but the risk however I do understand his exwifes reaction sorry for the long post, just feels bit better when you weite it down

Emmie lou

Member since
January 2021

109 posts

Posted Sun July 18, 2021 10:42amReport post

Hi Lee 1969 thank you so much for replying, my daughter and partner aren't particularly close, she likes him and knows I want to be with him, I came out of an abusive marriage and shes worried for me , he will miss her wedding which breaks my heart, she just wants time to deal with it she said the future is the future and hopefully she will come to teems with it, I feel awful she's having to deal with it, she saw it on a twitter feed, we where very concerned my elderly parents would see it but so far noone I know has, though that may change but it does seem to have disappeared my sister is amazing she is the only person I could trust to tell she has asked us round fir a meal and treats my partner exactly the same, I really can't blame his exwife ironically I would have done exactly the same, social services are already involved, thank you so much for replying it makes me feel not alone