Family and Friends Forum

Emmie lou

Member since
January 2021

109 posts

Posted Mon July 19, 2021 7:28amReport post

Hi everyone, since my partners came being all over media and the paper phoning up his old employer everyone in the industry he used to work in will know, qhen he is ready to work again how will he get a reference, he has lost his job and his son, he will need to work in the future, thankyou for reading


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Mon July 19, 2021 11:13amReport post

The site is really good at most things post sentencing and help on getting jobs and what to do and not do.

I'm not sure if this is right but I think legally past employers can't give nasty references as such. They have to be truthful, like confirm when someone worked there and o think can comment on attendance. And maybe reasons why for dismissal?

It can be tough but my partner had to go back to minimum wage for a company that didn't ask 'too many questions'. There are companies that will take on those with a record. Once my partner worked there for two- three years he was able to move on to the career he had before more or less.

It can be tough and your partner will need to disclose when asked, but not all employment do ask and that is how my partner has his job.

Emmie lou

Member since
January 2021

109 posts

Posted Mon July 19, 2021 7:47pmReport post

Hi magestic topaz, luckily financially we should be ok for a bit as we can shortly access our pension, though me partner has lost everything and he's going to need to get out, he wasn't sacked by his old employer but left just before the case, I've no idea why the local paper contacted them, it has now gone into the magazine that is seen by everyone in the industry, everybody knows everybody else, I've done some research and you can't give a bad reference but you can refuse to give one, we are thinking of volunteering, my partner was due to semi retire soon because he was in a very stressful job, he's not really bothered what he does, I understand that he did wrong and deserves to be punished but he has lost everything his exwife was supportive bout him seeing his son until it went into the media now due has told their son that he's working away and told him to move he's just numb don't thi k he can take anymore I think if I was his exwifei would probably have done the same before this happened