Family and Friends Forum

How much power to SS have?

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Member since
August 2020

39 posts

Posted Thu July 22, 2021 1:02amReport post

Just when we thought we were getting back to some normality. life slaps us in the face again.

my Dad went to pick his grandson up from nursery with my mum he stayed in the car. Next thing that day SS called to say someone had called the police about my dad being at the nursery.

fast Foward a few days SS want to do an assessment of the kids, my sister is so scared she has decided no contact with kids.

this is a never ending nightmare and a constant battle for the family of the offender.

My dads probation officer confirmed it was not a problem for him to be at the nursery picking his grandson up.

So why are SS getting involved and what power do these people have exactly?!!


Member since
August 2020

39 posts

Posted Thu July 22, 2021 4:08pmReport post

Thanks for your reply. What is the family rights group?

SS have not been involved until recently.

they apparently want to speak with my parents too not sure why?!

He was ok to do what he did and has checked this with his PO.

however SS seem to have other rules entirely.
They've shook my sister up so much she thinks she's being watched by 'people' as we do not know who made the phone call to the police.

so she has decided no contact.

very sad time for my family.


Member since
August 2020

39 posts

Posted Fri July 23, 2021 8:32pmReport post

I understand.

there was no agreement with social services. They were not involved at all.

....only now since someone called the police that they are involved.

so now he cannot have unsupervised contact and they cannot stay over night as you said.
it's just something else we will have to get used to.

absolutely the worst thing I have ever gone through.