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Help please.

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Member since
July 2021

1 post

Posted Sat July 24, 2021 9:21pmReport post

Hello, seeking some help please. My 17 year old son was arrested in February 2021 for sharing an image online of a girl who was under 13. At the time he was 15 and he said he thought the girl was 15 also. At the time he has said he shared a topless photo of a girl he was talking to on a website called omegle. He shared the photo with two of her friends. His phone was seized and he was bailed with conditions not to contact the girl. The bail conditions were later dropped and the investigation continued. Yesterday, a knock at the door, 3 policemen, arrested again, this time for possession and distribution of IIOC category a to c. Released after about 7 hours pending investigations. All devises seized, his desktop and his phone that he has had since his other one was seized. I am in bits. Once released he told me that at the same time as getting involved with this girl he got involved with some people sharing photos, he says he knew it was wrong but got caught up in it then deleted everything and has never done anything since. These pictures were obviously found by the police when they downloaded everything from his phone. He says he is ashamed and disgusted and that it was never about looking at images of children. He says it was about looking at people his own age but of course they are children. He spoke to a solicitor last night and they prepared a statement saying he declined to be interviewed due to covid. I haven't spoken to the solicitor as it didn't get to the point where I needed to be with his as his appropriate adult. I am terrified about what is going to happen, this is obviously much more serious than the first arrest. Has anyone been in this position where its their child in trouble not their partner/husband? Thank you x

Sarah ??

Member since
January 2021

177 posts

Posted Mon July 26, 2021 11:58amReport post


There was a parent on here recently who had a son go through youth court. They had a positive outcome. It may be worth getting in touch with your local youth justice service, or ask if the police are referring? They are the experts.


Edited Mon July 26, 2021 11:59am


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Mon July 26, 2021 11:59amReport post

Hi jay.

I haven't got much experience on this but thought best to bump up your post since it might get 'lost'.

There have been some people here with young children getting caught up in this and hopefully someone will be able to answer your questions and give some insight.

I do recommend the Lucy faithful helpline and see if your son will ring them for support. It might be worth him doing some online modules on the stop it now website and ask Lucy faithful if there are any other resources to help him.


Member since
March 2021

354 posts

Posted Mon July 26, 2021 5:33pmReport post

Hi Jay

After reading your post I felt the need to reply.

A member of our family was the same age as your son when he too had the police turn up to seize his phone for possession of iioc's.

He was fortunate enough to attend Youth Court days before his 18th birthday instead of attending Adult Court. You may wish to contact the national charity, Just for Kids Law, the link being

Our family used them for free support and advise (as we are outside London) but if you are in London I believe they may be able to represent your son, if you wanted them to.

Turning 18 whilst in the criminal justice system was a worry to us as a family. I attach a link from Just for Kids Law on this to give you more information

I would also recommend you ring the Stop it Now Helpline or contact them by email. They will be able to offer you support and help as to how your can support your son through this process and what support you need too. The member of our family did the Young Persons Inform Course which I would highly recommend if your son is willing to engage with them.

I hope this information is of some help to you.

Thinking of you and your son, remember to take care of yourself.