Family and Friends Forum

Legal proceedings to remove child.

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Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Mon July 26, 2021 1:14pmReport post

Hi so a few week back SS told me they were starting or taking the 1st step in legal proceedings to remove my youngest all on the reasoning that he talks about daddy at school. He tells school he's been out with daddy he told them he'd been to his new house all what he says is totally untrue as he's not seen him since Christmas. I've not heard anything in visits and core meeting since the threat (by phone call) that they were starting proceedings. I got advice which told me that SS had to have actual proof contact had been made or there solicitor wouldn't take the case.
It took me a day from the threat to get myself together (I took to my bed and shut the world out) now my attitude to the threat is prove it b*%#h and if you were worried they would have done something by now

I'm so angry that they can come in make a threat like that and then leave me hanging.
I'm angry that if I get upset in meetings I'm told to calm down where as my ex broke down in last meeting and everyone was all sympathetic towards him that now for his mental health he's not to attend the meetings (they pull me apart in them my home my children and myself never mention him) so I sat through latest core meeting just now wanting to tell them all to back the f#(k off leave me alone and let me have time to deal with it all and the demands placed on them.
sorry for the swearing and sorry for the rant

Edited Mon July 26, 2021 1:15pm


Member since
May 2019

56 posts

Posted Wed July 28, 2021 9:24amReport post

Oh my goodness. What a rubbish situation!! Sending hugs!

What I'd personally do is start taking alot of photos of your child at home. All the darn time so if social services say well your child says they went to daddy's at 12.30 on Saturday. You can turn around and say well I've got proof of them being at home. Itll totally undermine what your child has said in the past. My kid thinks there's a dinosaur that lives on our roof and will swear blind he's seen it. Doesn't make it true though.

You've got this mama!!