Family and Friends Forum

Help with understanding offences

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Member since
August 2020

11 posts

I cut my now ex husband out of my life when I found out the allegations were true. Its been 18 months since the knock and on Monday he was sentenced. Of course I found out by reading about it in a newspaper. But I need help understanding the verdict.

They found 30 images and 8 movies in category A, 22 images and 6 movies in category B and 425 images and 7 movies in category C.

He admitted 3 offences of making indecent images of children, possessing 4 prohibited images of children and possessing 4 extreme pornographic images.

It's the "making" part that I have trouble with, he swears he didn't make any and when you look at any image on the Internet it makes an icon copy in your operating system so they label it as making.

Is this true? Please help.

Posted Wed July 28, 2021 5:26amReport post


Member since
May 2019

56 posts

Lee is spot on. It winds me up that they can call it "making" when it means is that they've downloaded a copy! Making to most normal people would mean that the person has actually taken an illegal image of a child! The wording is so wrong

Posted Wed July 28, 2021 9:28amReport post


Member since
August 2020

11 posts

Thank you so much for clarifying that. Sadly I can't trust a word he tells me anymore and I was so worried it had involved either my own child, or friends children. That's such a relief to know he was telling the truth this time.

Posted Wed July 28, 2021 11:30amReport post


Member since
May 2021

98 posts

This is the trouble with the law in how it has not kept up with the progress of technology.

Making refers to downloading an image, it should be a lot more clearer but no one explains

Taking refers to the actual taking other photograph of a child

An then on top of that you can be charged if you have made (downloaded) or taken with posession

Posted Wed July 28, 2021 12:43pmReport post


Member since
August 2020

11 posts

Thanks, that's good to know. The police were useless in supporting me and haven't informed me of anything along the way even when his bail was dropped. So I couldn't depend on whether they would have been in touch or not.

Posted Wed July 28, 2021 8:00pmReport post

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