Family and Friends Forum

Bail conditions?

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Member since
July 2021

8 posts

Hi how long was everyone's bail conditions for?

We are already struggling with him trying to live elsewhere. We have no money and the children are missing him so much.

will he be unable to sleep in the same house as his children until it goes to court (if it does?)

Posted Thu July 29, 2021 8:52pmReport post


Member since
January 2021

58 posts

We questioned it with CS after 8 months but were told until police finished the investigation there would be no change. It seems unfair that he is missing vital time with his children due to the ridiculously slow process. He has supervised visits but cant sleep here. I've read about lots of people who have fought against, putting plans in place, doing courses etc. But it sounds really difficult to get access changed. Good luck with it all xx

Posted Sun August 1, 2021 12:21amReport post

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