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Why is their so much of this about at the moment.

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Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Sat July 31, 2021 2:29pmReport post


Just wanted to know , why is their so much of this stuff about at the moment.

Very worrying xx


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Sat July 31, 2021 4:24pmReport post

Hi Chelsea

Do you mean the arrests and number of people being found to be involved in iioc?

In the same topic on this forum someone posted about a new article in the guardian which essentially states that such arrests have gone up to 25 fold since 2010.

There are a number of factors but one I think mostly is due to the 'ease' of finding it especially for those going down the porn rabbit hole of extreme porn. For those who want to look, or don't care in their viewing, they don't have to look far. My partner explained that it didn't take him long to figure out where to go and chat rooms were an easy option. He doesn't know how to get on the dark web.

Tech companies I guess have got better at alerting and maybe the police have also improved catching. The scale may also increased as internet use and it's functions has increased.

I wish there was better education and more the tech companies can do to prevent people even feeling the need to look at extreme porn. It can become an addiction. Not all who view iioc had an interest in children before, is my understanding. Many can get caught up in fantasy/online life and become desensitized.

The gov need to do more, schools need to improve sex ed to include info on iioc and extreme porn. I'm 28 but when I was in secondary school it was not uncommon to hear extreme footage being shown around schools, this was before WhatsApp and other ways to easily share files. I knew people who watched things involving animals, and stuff that is 'legal' but extreme. It seemed like a status of who can stomach such things.

It's like anything that might be addictive. Not everyone who drinks alcohol will be an alcoholic, not all those who watch porn get addicted. But some are susceptible and without the knowledge and support can go down the rabbit hole.

We rarely, if ever, hear about those who create these images and videos in the first place. Ofc those who view and share need to be made accountable but I'm not sure what the authorities are doing to catch the 'original' perpetrators.


Member since
August 2021

3 posts

Posted Mon August 9, 2021 10:02pmReport post

Personaly, I think it's always been rife. But now with technology and the police forces advancing in technology, they are able to find the perpertrators.